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Georgia Weekly COVID-19 Update: 914,984 Confirmed Cases, 18,644 Deaths – Decalized


Atlanta, GA — As of July 21, Georgia has recorded 914,984 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 18,644 deaths. As of July 21, there are 66,175 hospitalizations, 11,271 ICU hospitalizations, 238,080 antigen-positive cases, and 2,949 deaths.

In DeKalb County, there were 59,915 cases and 995 deaths. In Fulton County, there were 85,326 cases and 1,372 deaths.

February 12th was Georgia’s most deadly COVID-19th ever. That day, 186 deaths were recorded. The state recorded 16 deaths on 21 July. Last Wednesday, there were 7.9 deaths per day on a 7-day moving average. On July 21, 8.6 people died per day.

Weekly statistics from February 3, 2021 are as follows:

Week of July 14: 909,082 confirmed cases, 18,591 deaths

Week of July 7: 905,494 confirmed cases, 18,541 deaths

Week 30 June: 903,423 confirmed cases, 18,496 deaths

Week 23 June: 901,723 confirmed cases, 18,426 deaths

Week 16 June: 900,067 confirmed cases, 18,348 deaths

Week 9 June: 898,381 confirmed cases, 18,226 deaths

Week of June 2: 896,622 confirmed cases. 18,085 dead

Week 26 May: 894,445 confirmed cases. 17,986 people died

Week 19 May: 891,502 confirmed cases. 17,849 people died

Week of May 12: 887,979 confirmed cases, 17,750 deaths

Week 5 May: 883,418 confirmed cases, 17,625 deaths

Week 28 April: 877,816 confirmed cases, 17,486 deaths

Week 21 April: 871,460 confirmed cases, 17,272 deaths

Week 14 April: 864,895 confirmed cases, 17,072 deaths

Week 7 April: 858,268 confirmed cases, 16,827 deaths

Week 31 of March: 852,395 confirmed cases, 16,607 deaths

Week of March 24: 845,560 confirmed cases, 16,257 deaths

Week of March 17: 838,570 confirmed cases, 15,997 deaths

Week of March 10: 831,271 confirmed cases, 15,706 deaths

Week of March 3: 823,008 confirmed cases, 15,349 deaths

Week of February 24: 810,473 confirmed cases, 14,882 deaths

Week of February 17: 796,547 confirmed cases, 14,254 deaths

Week of February 10: 780,494 confirmed cases, 13,599 deaths

Week of February 3: 759,228 confirmed cases, 12,907 deaths

As of July 21, DeKalb County reported an average of 83 cases per 100,000 people over a two-week period. On July 14, DeKalb County reported an average of 47 2-week cases per 100,000 people. The positive rate is the percentage of positive results per given test, and in DeKalb County, the average positive rate for the last two weeks as of July 21 is 5.2%. It was 2.9% on July 14th.

Fulton County has reported an average of 84 cases per 100,000 people in the last two weeks as of 21 July. Last week there were 55 cases per 100,000 people. The positive rate in Fulton County is 4.8 percent. It was 2.9% a week ago.

Georgia has about 8.57 million vaccines as of July 21st.

To schedule your vaccine, please visit: Or visit To find a place for vaccination.

Click for an overview of the City Schools of Decatur COVID-19 dashboard and all cases. Here..

Click to view the COVID-19 case report for Atlanta Public Schools. Here..

Click to view the COVID-19 case report from Decalve County School. Here..

The DeKalb County Health Commission provides a COVID-19 test.Click to sign up for the test Here..

Some drugstores, such as CVS and Walgreens, also offer COVID-19 testing, but specific qualifications vary by latency and result time, and by site. You may also be able to get an examination at the clinic.

Georgia has a coronavirus hotline.

According to the Public Health Service, “If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or suspect you are exposed to a new coronavirus, please contact your GP or emergency medical clinic. Please do not appear at the facility without notice. Hotline: (844) 442-2681. “

Symptoms of coronavirus can appear 2 to 14 days after exposure and include the following:




The CDC states that the following symptoms require urgent medical attention:

– Dyspnea or shortness of breath

– Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

– New confusion or inability to awaken

– Bluish lips or face

Here are some recommendations from the DeKalb County Health Commission for coronavirus prevention:

– Keep at least 6 feet away from others.

– Wear a mask in public.

– Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

– Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.

– Avoid close contact with sick people.

– Stay home when you are ill.

– Cough or sneeze on your elbows or cover your elbows with tissue and throw the tissue in the trash.

– Cleans and disinfects frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Click for more information on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here.. We are working to inform the community about the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.All our coverage on this topic can be found at you appreciate our work on this story, please Become a paid supporter.. For just $ 3 a month, you’ll always know what the community is doing to stop the COVID-19 epidemic. To become a supporter Here..

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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