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Bird flu: Doctors and nurses accompanying the boy have no symptoms yet | Delhi News

Bird flu: Doctors and nurses accompanying the boy have no symptoms yet | Delhi News



New Delhi: All Close contact 11 year old boy First human victim of bird-flu In India, it is placed Under surveillance Check something Symptoms.. This includes his family and a team of doctors and nurses who treated him.
However, the United Ministry of Health said Wednesday that none of the close contacts were symptomatic. “Active investigations of symptomatic cases are taking place in hospitals and in the areas where the deceased boy lived. Currently there is nothing,” the ministry official said, reporting symptomatological cases to health officials. He advised that IEC (Information, Education, Communication) activities were carried out for the general public.


The Government of Delhi is paying close attention to the flu virus, which mainly infects birds. The challenge is to carefully monitor potential hotspots without causing a panic.

“The livestock sector has not found any suspected cases of bird flu in the area (Chakkarpur, Gurgaon, Haryana) and has stepped up surveillance in the 10km zone as a precautionary measure,” the ministry said in a press conference. Stated.
The death of a boy in AIIMS due to bird flu was reported by the TOI on Tuesday. Officials said he was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a type of blood cancer, in June. He developed fever, cough and dyspnea during treatment. AML progressed to acute respiratory distress syndrome with febrile neutropenia with pneumonia and shock. He was admitted to AIIMS on July 2nd. He suffered from multiple organ failure and died on July 16th.
The Department of Microbiology at AIIMS underwent bronchoalveolar lavage for respiratory panel examinations on July 7 and 11, the Ministry of Health said, saying that SARS-CoV2, the virus that causes Covid-19, is negative. Added.
“Influenza A subtyping was not definitive with the reagents available for H1N1 and H3N2 in AIIMS. The sample was then sent to the National Institute of Virology (Pune) on July 13th. NIV The sample was tested positive for A / H5 (bird flu) and Type B Victoria strains. Whole genome sequencing and virus isolation are underway, “said the ministry.
In India, multiple outbreaks of bird flu have affected birds, primarily poultry, over the last 15 years. Birds had to be culled to prevent the spread of the disease. However, no human deaths from the disease have been recorded. That’s why this case is so important.
It is advisable to avoid contaminated surfaces as bird flu can spread to humans through feces, saliva and the secretions of infected birds. “The risk of bird flu spreading to humans is very rare, but precautions need to be taken. People involved in the handling of poultry, such as chicken, should clean and disinfect suspected areas of infection and protect gloves and the like. You need to wear the equipment, “says the doctor.
Public health experts said people should be wary of bird deaths in their area. “You shouldn’t step near a dead bird and report the death to the authorities right away,” the expert added.
Diseases of human bird flu vary from mild to severe. Signs and symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose and stuffy nose, muscle and body pain, malaise, headache, red eye (or conjunctivitis), and dyspnea. As with seasonal flu, some people, such as pregnant women, those with weakened immunity, and those over the age of 65, are at very high risk of getting sick with bird flu infections.
Since November 2003, more than 700 human infections with the highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) virus have been reported to WHO from 15 predominant countries in Asia, Africa, the Pacific, Europe and the Near East. The highest number of human HPAI Asia H5N1 cases to date, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported by Indonesia, Vietnam and Egypt.





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