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Coronavirus in the United States: Increased hospitalizations due to Covid-19 in the United States are self-harming, experts say

Coronavirus in the United States: Increased hospitalizations due to Covid-19 in the United States are self-harming, experts say


“This is self-harm, because if we can encourage vaccination, we can prevent all of these hospitalizations and deaths, or at least 98,99%,” said vaccinologist and National Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. The school told CNN’s Jim Acosta on Thursday.

Still, despite warnings from health professionals The daily pace of fully vaccinated people continues to slow.

Only 48.8% of the US population is fully vaccinated, with an average 7-day pace of about 252,000. On average, more than 500,000 people have not been fully vaccinated per day since July 5, according to CDC data.

“We all think another surge is likely,” Christian Sandrock, critical care director at UC Davis Medical Center, said in a statement Thursday. “It’s scary. I don’t think the vaccine will bring us back to the worst we’ve ever seen, but it’s confusing.”

Lorena Garcia, a professor of epidemiology at the University of California, Davis, said the impact could be very devastating in rural areas with low vaccination rates and limited access to care. Said.

Missouri Governor Mike Parson announced Thursday that additional personnel and equipment have been dispatched to Springfield and Greene County to support the local health system.

In some areas, they are returning to the mask in the hope of delaying their spread.

In Texas, Judge Lina Hidalgo of Harris County warned that the area was “at the beginning of a potentially very dangerous fourth wave of this pandemic,” raising the threat level from yellow to orange. Encouraged members of the community to wear masks.

A county judge, including Houston, said, “So I know they’re uncomfortable. I don’t like wearing masks either, but I’ll wear them again until the numbers go down.”

The CDC recommends that unvaccinated people wear masks, but it is up to the individual to decide whether or not they are vaccinated, Rochelle Walensky said Thursday. I did.

“If you are vaccinated, you get extraordinary protection from the vaccine, but you have the opportunity to make personal choices to add layers of protection if needed,” she said.

RN's Leo Yrad measures blood glucose levels in Covid-19 patients at St. Joseph's Hospital in Orange, California.

Experts raise concerns even for vaccinated Americans

Experts warn that even vaccinated people need to worry about the surge.

“If you have all sorts of viruses around you, and you’re in a virus-rich community, these vaccines aren’t 100% and will be affected,” said Dr. Linawen, CNN Medical Analyst. Anderson Cooper on CNN On thursday.
These regular injections are already needed in schools as more states have banned the requirements for the Covid-19 vaccine.
At this time of summer, the transmission speed should be low, Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent, said:, Talk on the same show. In the warm climate of July, he said, people are mostly socializing outside and the virus is unlikely to spread.

Come to the drier, colder weather in autumn and winter, transmission rates may increase further, Gupta added.

“So this may be as good as it gets at least for a period of time,” he said.

For vaccinated people, their immune system is much better equipped to protect them from the virus, but it is not perfect, Gupta said. Some people have no symptoms when infected, while others are protected from hospitalization and get sick, he said.

Wen compared vaccination with wearing a seatbelt. It’s an important layer of protection, but it’s not absolutely certain of the reckless behavior of others.

“But that doesn’t mean undermining confidence in seatbelts, it’s just saying that the choices other people make are affecting us,” Wen said. ..

Vaccine efficacy against delta

Warrensky said Thursday that the delta mutant is an “aggressive and much more contagious” strain of the virus.

This is one of the most infectious respiratory viruses we know and has been seen in our 20-year career, “Walensky said in a briefing on the Whitehouse COVID-19 Response Team. I did.

According to Warensky, the epidemic of this variant makes vaccination even more important.

“If you’re not vaccinated, take the delta mutant seriously. The virus has no incentive to give up and continues to look for the next vulnerable person to infect,” she said.

Why Delta Variants Spread Much Faster Than Other Coronavirus Strains

According to CDC data released earlier this week, delta variants represent an estimated 83% of all coronavirus samples sequenced in the last two weeks. The good news is that the data show that the vaccine works as it did in clinical trials on mutants, Warensky said.

The Los Angeles County Health Director called the Delta variant a “game changer” because about 20% of the approximately 4,000 new cases reported in the county in June were fully vaccinated.

Most people who were vaccinated experienced only mild symptoms, explained Health Director Barbara Ferrer.

Cases are also increasing among vaccinated people, but the increase is much smaller and much slower than unvaccinated people, Feller said, saying that unvaccinated people He added that he faces more than five times the risk of vaccinated people.

She said the county’s case rate would be high without the number of vaccinated residents.

CNN’s Sarah Moon, Raja Razek, Carma Hassan, Virginia Langmaid, and Cheri Mossburg contributed to this report.





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