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AdventHealth, OrlandoHealth Limit Visitors Again

AdventHealth, OrlandoHealth Limit Visitors Again


Orlando, Florida — Two of Metro Orlando’s largest hospital networks have moved to limit visitors in response to COVID-19 cases and increased hospitalizations.

What you need to know

  • According to AdventHealth, COVID hospitalizations are increasing faster than at any time during the pandemic.
  • AdventHealth postpones new elective surgery requiring hospitalization and limits visitors
  • A day later, Orlando Health announced that it would limit visitors and reassess them as needed.
  • Related: Get the COVID-19 Vaccine in Central Florida: What You Need to Know

As of Thursday Advent Health Central Florida He said he had 720 hospitalizations for COVID-19. Officials say it has exceeded the peak of hospitalization in May.

Although not the highest number seen by the hospital network (Advent Health last saw 900 hospitalizations across the department in January), hospital officials are concerned about the contagiousness and rate of increase of delta variants. Say there is.

“Currently, we see the fastest growth seen in the course of this pandemic as a whole,” said Dr. Neil Finkler, Chief Clinical Officer.

Most of the hospitalizations are due to unvaccinated people, which is actually 95%, Finkler said. Only a few of the groundbreaking cases among vaccinated people will be admitted to the hospital.

AdventHealth has moved to a “yellow” status as a precautionary measure. This is the next level of color-coded capacity system based on staff capabilities and resources.

This means that the hospital will postpone new elective surgery that requires hospitalization. With the exception of requiring an ICU stay, administrator approval is required.

Outpatient surgery and other treatment sites will continue as usual, as will pediatric surgery.

Regarding visitors, Advent Health said that patients without COVID-19 are allowed two visitors a day, and COVID-positive patients are allowed only one visitor a day.

Also, everyone in the hospital, including non-clinical areas, must wear a mask.

However, AdventHealth West has announced that there are currently no changes to selective procedures or visitor policies at AdventHealth locations in the Hardee, Highlands, Hillsborough, Marion, Pasco and Pinellas counties.

At Orlando Health, the company said on Friday that it had adjusted its visit policy as the number of cases of COVID-19 increased.

The news is First reported by Orlando Sentinel partners..

Nicole Ray, a spokesman for Orlando Health, told Sentinel that patients who test negative for COVID-19 can have two visitors daily during their visit. With the exception of Orlando Health Winny Palmer Hospital for Women and Babys, adults can take a masked child under the age of 3 to all hospitals as a second visitor to a non-COVID patient. Sentinel reported that patients at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital were restricted to the same two adults as the visitor during their stay.

Orlando Health can have one visitor to Sentinel, each patient in the emergency or surgical area daily, but minors cannot enter those areas.

AdventHealth officials say it’s not just about hospitalization. The increase in cases is happening at a faster pace than during the 2020 vacation.

“CentraCare is undoubtedly increasing the number of cases,” said Dr. Timothy Hendrix. “We have reached a positive rate of about 25%, so there is about a quarter chance that someone will get sick and come to Sentra Care, and the test will be positive. Is this just one? Much more than we were a month ago. 7%. “

Hendrix says that in addition to the delta variant itself, the biggest problem is the asymptomatic spread. He states that people have a mild cold or upper respiratory tract infection and are positive for COVID-19 testing. He encourages vaccinated people to wear masks as well.

“We see people who are infected with the virus, who don’t know they are infected with the virus, and who have the potential to spread,” Hendrix said. Even if you are vaccinated, there are some groundbreaking cases and you may be infected. “

It’s been several months since Vernet Stallworth suffered from the coronavirus. She said it was a terrifying experience for her.

“All the cells in my body were in pain and I just rubbed my hands against the injured skin,” Stallworth said.

Stallworth is unvaccinated, and Advent Health doctors say the majority of coronavirus patients are unvaccinated.

“There are a lot of unvaccinated ones, and as Dr. Warensky of the CDC showed, this is now an unvaccinated pandemic,” said Henrix, medical director of Advent Health Centra Care.





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