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117 new COVID-19 cases submitted locally in Singapore. Two new clusters have been identified

117 new COVID-19 cases submitted locally in Singapore. Two new clusters have been identified


Singapore: Singapore reported 117 new local COVID-19 infections as of noon (July 25) on Sunday. This includes 46 cases related to the Jurong Fisheries Port Cluster and 5 cases related to the KTV Lounge Cluster.

A total of 43 infections were associated with previous cases, were already quarantined, and 36 were detected in surveillance tests.

The remaining 38 infections were not associated with previous cases, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said.

Two cases were unvaccinated or partially vaccinated people over the age of 70, at risk of serious illness, MOH added.

MOH table July 25

The Ministry of Health also reported two new clusters, each with three infections. The new cluster was linked to cases 65893 and 65846.

MOH provided no further information on these two cases.

He added that the three clusters were closed because there were no cases associated with them during the last two incubation periods.

These were clusters linked to 115 Chimera View Market and Food Center, 119 Chimera View and Case 64394.

Read: Approximately half of COVID-19 cases in the Buchimera View Market Cluster are unvaccinated

A total of 94 infections were associated with 115 Chimera View Market & Food Center clusters, and 8 were associated with 119 Chimera View.

The Ministry of Health said last month that COVID-19 infections in markets and food centers could have taken place through long lines and surfaces of toilets.

Read: Bukit Melaview COVID-19 Cluster: The virus can spread through long rows, the surface of the toilet, says MOH

There were four cases in the cluster associated with Case 64394, a partially vaccinated 81-year-old Singaporean retiree. He tested positive for COVID-19 on June 22nd.

Currently, Singapore has 25 active COVID-19 clusters with 3 to 792 cases.

With 792 infections, the Jurong Fisheries Port / Hong Lim Market and Food Center Cluster is Singapore’s largest active cluster.

moh cluster table July 25

Art self-test kit near two new markets

MOH said it is working with the People’s Association to distribute rapid antigen test (ART) self-test kits to people who have visited certain markets and food centers in the last 14 days.

This is part of the ministry’s investigation into cases of COVID-19 infection involving markets and food centers, where fishermen visiting the Jurong Fisheries Port to collect inventory and selling at markets and food centers could sow. there is.

The collection will be held from July 26th to July 27th at the Residents Committee Center near two new markets: Geylang Bar Market and Food Center and 146 Tech Wire Avenue Market.

Many cases are likely to be seen in the next few days: MOH

According to the MOH, the total number of new cases in the community increased from 324 last week to 1,056 last week.

“As we step up our efforts to detect them to curb the spread in the community, we are likely to see a large number of cases in the coming days,” he added.

The number of unlinked cases in the community also increased from 24 cases last week to 136 cases last week.

A total of 524 patients are currently hospitalized and are the most commonly observed.

Currently, there are 12 serious illnesses that require oxygenation, and 2 in the intensive care unit are in serious condition. None of the 14 cases have been completely vaccinated.

Seven people over the age of 60 who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated are very ill, MOH said.

“There is ongoing evidence that vaccination helps prevent serious illness when infected,” the ministry said.

“In the last 28 days, cases in 15 areas requiring oxygen supplementation have been hospitalized or died in the ICU. 6 unvaccinated, 9 partially vaccinated, all fully vaccinated. Not.”

There were also eight import cases, which were either banned or quarantined upon arrival. Four of these infections were detected upon arrival in Singapore, and four developed the disease during a stay-at-home order or quarantine.

In total, Singapore reported 125 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday.

Read: Singapore reports the 37th COVID-19 death.The woman was unvaccinated and linked to the 121 Bukit Merah View cluster

An 83-year-old woman died of complications from COVID-19 on Saturday, making her the 37th death in Singapore.

Women in Singapore were unvaccinated and linked to the 121 Bukit Merah View cluster, the Ministry of Health said.

and Video posted on social media on Saturday, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong encouraged the elderly to be vaccinated with COVID-19, ensuring that the vaccine is safe.

“Don’t wait until it’s too late,” Lee said. “Most people of your age, including many of your friends and neighbors, are already vaccinated. Protect yourself and your family.”

As of Sunday, Singapore reported a total of 64,182 COVID-19 cases and 37 deaths from the disease.

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