11 myths about hepatitis
hepatitis Refers to inflammation of the liver. Most commonly, it is caused by a viral infection or alcohol consumption, but it can also be caused by certain conditions, including toxins, drugs, and autoimmune conditions.
There is
This article addresses and dispels 11 myths commonly associated with hepatitis. To help unravel some of these misconceptions, we have the help of two experts.
One is Shelley Facente, Ph.D., Researcher in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. University of California, Berkeley..The other is Dr. Lauren Nefu, Gastroenterologist Indiana University Health In Indianapolis.
Some types of hepatitis are self-limiting. In other words, it heals naturally. Others can cause liver cancer or permanent liver damage.
“The hepatitis virus is actually very different,” Facente told us. She outlined the differences between hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.
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Hepatitis A People often feel very sick for a short period of time, but serious complications and long-term illness are very rare. Hepatitis B A person’s first viral infection can be very serious when it becomes a chronic infection, but it occurs only in 2-6% of adults and some people are asymptomatic during the initial infection (the majority). That’s right).Hepatitis C In many cases, it does not cause symptoms at first, but60-80% Of people infected with hepatitis C [a] Chronic infection. If left untreated, it can eventually lead to liver cancer, cirrhosis, and death. “
“That’s why it’s important to be vaccinated against hepatitis A and B and to be screened for hepatitis C at least once, even if you feel good,” explained Facente.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO)
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States in 2019
In 2016, WHO estimated:
Together, hepatitis B and C are the most common causes of cirrhosis and liver cancer. They also cause the most viral hepatitis-related deaths.
Facente said Today’s medical news “Since 2013, hepatitis C has been number one In the United States, the cause of death from infectious diseases up to SARS-CoV-2. ”
She continued. 71 million People around the world and 2.4 million people in the United States live on hepatitis C. This is twice as much as the American people who live with HIV, although hepatitis C is completely curable. “
“Hepatitis C virus
This myth is widespread, but it is still a myth.
“”[People] You cannot be infected with the hepatitis C virus by kissing, holding hands, sharing dishes or mosquitoes, coughing, or sneezing. ”
– Dr. Lauren Nefu
“Hepatitis C virus [spreads] Someone is
It is certainly not true that people with hepatitis C cannot have sex. However, there are some things to consider.
“Hepatitis C virus [spreads] Through contact with the blood of a person infected with the virus. Sexual activity that increases the risk of exposure to blood (anal sex and sex during menstruation) is at high risk, “explained Dr. Nefu.
“For a monogamous couple,” she continued. [CDC] It is not recommended to use condoms on a daily basis to prevent infection.Risk of infection expensive For people who are infected with HIV and those who are infected
“”jaundice Is a sign of liver problems, “Facente said. “But not all hepatitis viruses cause liver problems right away.”
“Approximately half of people with hepatitis C are completely asymptomatic, sometimes decades later, until the virus causes severe liver damage that causes jaundice and other symptoms.”
There is a myth that hepatitis C is hereditary and can therefore be passed on from generation to generation. Not true. “Hepatitis C is a virus. It is neither genetic nor inherited from parents,” said Dr. Nefu.
In rare cases, hepatitis can be transmitted from the mother to the child during childbirth.However, the possibility of this happening is about 2-8%..
Not true. Current, Vaccines for hepatitis A and B.. Both of these “require multiple shots to complete the series,” as Facente explains.
Currently, there is no hepatitis C vaccine.
“In 2014, researchers at Yale University discovered hepatitis C. [remained] Completely alive 6 weeks After it dries on the surface and has enough infectivity to infect someone, “Facente told us.
“Before,” she continued. “People thought it could only live outside the body for four days. Unfortunately, it’s a very heartfelt virus.”
This is also a myth. As Facente said, “If someone treats and cures hepatitis C, [contract it] Again, antibodies from the original infection do not protect you like vaccines (if we had one). ”
Dr. Nefu confirmed that “even if you have the hepatitis C virus once, you will not be immune to being infected with the virus again.”She added that people You can sign up again “After the virus has been removed spontaneously or treated with medication.”
This is why it is still important to take precautions against reinfection after someone’s initial infection has been resolved.
Not true. As Dr. Nephew explained, “Current treatment Hepatitis C virus usually requires 8-12 weeks of oral treatment with tablets. The cure rate is currently over 90%. These new drugs have few side effects and are highly tolerated. “
After earning a bachelor’s degree in neuroscience from the University of Manchester, England, Tim completely changed his course and worked in the fields of sales, marketing and analytics. Realizing that his mind really lies in science and writing, he changed course again and joined the Medical News Today team as a news writer. Today, Tim, the lead editor of the news, leads a team of leading writers and editors, reporting on the latest medical research from peer-reviewed journals. He also wrote some articles himself. When given the opportunity, he enjoys listening to the heaviest metals, watching birds in the garden, thinking about dinosaurs, and wrestling with children.
You can follow Tim twitter..
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