Studies show that people with mental health problems are almost twice as likely to die of Covid
Top line
Patients with mental illness are about twice as likely to die of Covid-19 as patients without mental illness. According to a new study released Tuesday, researchers are urging public health authorities to do more to prioritize the efforts of vulnerable groups. Control the pandemic.
Important facts
Overall, patients with mental health disorders were found to be nearly twice (1.8 times) more likely to die of Covid-19 than patients without mental illness. JAMA Psychiatry.
Patients with severe psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are at particularly high risk of dying from Covid-19, more than twice (2.3 times) more likely to die than patients without psychiatric disorders, studies Said.
Differences in the immune system of people with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia may explain the increased risk of these groups, the researchers write.
Considering other factors that can explain the increased risk, such as obesity, age, and other health conditions, researchers still find that people with severe mental illness (1.7-fold) and overall mental illness (1.4) die. We have observed that the likelihood is extremely high. time).
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Researchers have found that this is a variety of social factors known to affect access to health care, increased addiction, psychiatric drug efficacy, and health outcomes. He said it suggests that there may be other factors that increase the likelihood of death for this group.
Given the high risk of dying from Covid-19, researchers say mental health patients need to prioritize disease prevention and management strategies, such as vaccination, treatment, and specific training for hospital staff. Stated.
What we don’t know
Findings from an analysis of 16 studies that examined medical records of more than 19,000 people in seven countries failed to accurately assess risk from a variety of mental disorders. The disorders studied include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, personality disorders, eating disorders, substance abuse disorders and addiction, although these are usually considered to be different from psychiatric disorders. , Featured in many of the studies used, generally co-occurs with mental illness.
What to watch out for
In the studies analyzed, different types of depressive disorders were grouped together. Researchers said Covid-19 mortality rates can vary between people with recurrent attacks of depression and those with acute episodes. This is more common and can be resolved “with or without treatment, without subsequent consequences”. ..
Main background
This study is consistent with previous studies that highlighted the increased risk faced by patients with mental health problems, especially those with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.lots of people I had a hard time NS access NS Care Normal support structures and healthcare networks are needed during pandemics, as most have had to shut down or adapt online services. Pandemics also have a negative impact on mental health in all its forms. isolation, stress Fear has had a significant impact on people’s mental health and change work And the living environment created new stressors and destroyed valuable routines.research suggest Within three months of recovery, one in five Covid-19 patients will be diagnosed with a mental illness that affects their brain and thoughts. General To those who are suffering Long study We noted that 23% of Covid-19 patients reported depression and 16% of anxiety, even with mild illness.
Association of Mental Health Disorders and Mortality in COVID-19 Patients in 7 Countries (JAMA Psychiatry)
Studies show that a large number of Covid patients report effects on mental health (Forbes)
Revealed: The Impact of Covid-19 on People with Bipolar Disorder (Telegraph)
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