Healthy habits for men who want to be dads
It’s not surprising that most childbirth studies look at what women need to do to increase their chances of having a healthy baby, even though most of us are familiar with it. However, a new study found that the majority of women still consume alcohol and caffeine when trying to get pregnant.
However, it takes two to give birth to a baby. And what a man does when he is about to become a father is also important in his quest as a parent.
According to a new study by the pregnancy charity Tommy’s, more than half of women drank alcohol and four-fifths consumed caffeine during pregnancy planning. One in five women smoked and one in 25 took drugs, even higher under the age of 25.
Although this study does not examine male fertility, Tommy says that for a man who wants to be a father, living a healthy lifestyle affects sperm quality, and thus fertility and future health. Of their babies, they emphasize that they are very important because they may be.
“There is a lot of attention on how mothers’ health and well-being affect their baby’s development, but when a couple is planning a pregnancy, not only their own birth, but the long-term family It is important that the father is also healthy for a good future, as the health of parents when pregnant can affect the health of their children. DNA Tommy midwife Sophie King explains.
“Small changes can make a big difference in the long-term health of parents and babies,” she adds.
Dr. Raj Mathur, President of the British Birth Association, emphasized: “Studies show that the lifestyle of a potential father is also very important in terms of pregnancy potential and pregnancy outcomes.
“”male Those who plan to have a baby with their partner should be healthy, including factors such as weight, moderate regular exercise, smoking cessation, reduced alcohol intake, and following a healthy and balanced diet. You need to take advantage of opportunities to improve and work on your lifestyle. “
So what does a man who wants to be a father need to do to increase his chances?
Reduce alcohol
Alcohol can affect childbirth in both men and women, and Tommy can reduce sperm quality and quantity, reduce testosterone levels, and lose interest in sex if he drinks too much. Say there is.
Men seeking to raise a baby are advised to reduce their alcohol intake, drink no more than the maximum recommended limit of 14 units per week, and drink evenly for at least 3 days.
Reduce caffeine
Evidence suggests that overdose of caffeine when a man is about to become pregnant may increase his partner’s risk of miscarriage.
Since women are the same, couples looking for a baby suggest that they should limit their caffeine intake to 200 mg daily (2 mugs of instant coffee or 1 mug of filtered coffee).
Do not smoke
Smoking reduces sperm quality in men, reduces sperm count, and can affect sperm swimming ability. It is also associated with sexual incompetence (the inability to obtain or maintain an erection), Tommy explains.
In addition, women who inhale tobacco smoke through second-hand smoke can impair their ability to become pregnant. Just opening windows and doors has no effect, charities emphasize.
Keep your testicles cool
NS NHS To produce the highest quality sperm, the male testicles must be slightly colder than the rest of the body. That sounds difficult, but there are simple steps to keep you cool, such as wearing loose underwear like boxer shorts, or taking regular breaks outside when working in hot environments. There are several. Also, if you are sitting at your desk for long periods of time, be sure to get up and move around regularly.
King also advises that “men looking for a baby should avoid saunas and hot baths, do not sit still for long periods of time, or place a warm laptop on their lap.”
Maintain a healthy weight
A new Tommy study found that more than half of women trying to get pregnant reported being overweight. BMI According to Tommy, it may reduce the chances of getting pregnant and increase the risk of pregnancy complications. Overweight and obese men can also affect childbirth because they can affect sperm quality and quantity.
Eat a healthy diet
If your partner is trying to get healthy to help her get pregnant, why not join her? Tommy’s research shows that sperm quality is affected by diet, so be sure to eat fruits and vegetables five times a day. In addition, walnuts have been shown to help sperm motility (the ability to swim), so it may be worth eating some of the walnuts a day.
“Sperm health can be improved with a balanced diet and regular exercise,” King emphasizes. “Eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and walnuts has been shown to improve male childbirth. Processed lean meat, caffeine, saturated fatty acids and transfat can cause problems. I have.”
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