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31 Michigan counties should be masked according to CDC data, regardless of vaccination status

31 Michigan counties should be masked according to CDC data, regardless of vaccination status


More than one-third of Michigan’s 83 counties have COVID-19 infection rates ranked “high” or “substantial” by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Due to rising case numbers and positive testing rates, federal health officials say that individuals in 31 counties in Michigan wear masks indoors to limit the spread of the coronavirus, regardless of vaccination status. It is recommended.

last week, 10 Districts of Michigan According to the CDC, community infection rates were “high” or “substantial” infections, and the other 73 counties were “medium” or “low”, with no same masking recommendations. 4-step evaluation system..

As a country, the United States has a high infection rate, and health leaders say that the more infectious delta mutants are likely the result of a round of the most common strains in the United States.

In Michigan, the six counties of Alpena, Brunch, Hillsdale, Huron, Kalkaska, and Montmorency are at the top, with more than 100 new cases per week per 100,000 inhabitants, and / or 10%. There is a positive test rate. More than that, according to data from July 25th to 31st.

Another 25 counties fall into the “substantial” infected layer. That is, we report 50-99 cases per person per week and / or a positive rate of 8-9.99%. Like high-risk counties, these communities should consider indoor masking to reduce viral infections.

Substantially infected counties include Allegan, Barry, Calhorn, Cass, Charlevoix, Clinton, Crawford, Delta, Grand Traverse, Ingum, Ionia, Iron, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Livingston, McComb, Mason, Muskegon, Auckland, Includes Ontonagon, Saginaw and Shiawashi. , St. Joseph, Taxcola, Van Buren.

Of the remaining counties, 45 are at moderate levels, meaning 10-49.99 cases per person per week and / or a positive rate of 5-7.99%.

The seven counties with the lowest risk of infection include Algiers, Keweenaw, McKinack, Marquette, Mecosta, Oceana and Sanilac.

Below is a map showing the transmission levels for each Michigan county based on the CDC standard, using data from Tuesday, July 27. Red and orange counties indicate high and substantial transmissions, yellow indicates medium transmissions, and blue indicates low transmissions.

(Can’t see the map? Click? here)

In May, the CDC said that fully vaccinated individuals no longer need to wear masks indoors, leaving some exceptions such as hospitals. Unvaccinated people were still recommended to wear masks indoors, but masks can come off outdoors without risk.

But last week, the CDC updated its guidance. As the case rate rises, federal health authorities have devised a four-level system that allows the community to measure and mask up the size of the community accordingly.

Local health officials saw guidance related to certain pandemic indicators, unlike May, when the CDC made a comprehensive announcement that fully vaccinated individuals no longer need masks indoors. He said he was happy.

Michigan recently reported a seven-day average increase. In a week, the state increased from 332 to 573 per day. It was after bottoming out with 110 cases per day in late June.

On the other hand, about 58.2% of residents over the age of 12 are first vaccinated and 54% are completely vaccinated.

Vaccines are widely available through local pharmacies, clinics, and healthcare systems.Visit Michigan to find a vaccine near you COVID-19 vaccine website Or go to

Details of MLive:

Eight Michigan Universities Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Before Fall Classes Begin

Delta Variant Update: “things will get worse,” Fauci says

A county company in Michigan has won $ 4.5 billion in PPP. This is 1,600 times that of other counties.

Grand Valley State University is working with health authorities to test and detect COVID-19 genetic markers in wastewater




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