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Both Essentia Health and St. Luke’s require employees to be vaccinated

Both Essentia Health and St. Luke’s require employees to be vaccinated


Later that day, Duluth’s second-largest provider, St. Luke’s, followed with a similar policy with an early deadline.

After careful consideration, Essentia issued a statement that all staff must be vaccinated with COVID-19 as a condition of employment.

This requirement applies to anyone who enters the facility to perform the services of Essentia Health. This includes all onsite employees, remote workers, volunteers, students, unemployed medical staff, vendors, contractors and executives.

Employees will receive the first vaccination by October 1st and the second vaccination in the double vaccination series by November 1st. There is a process of applying for a medical exemption under the guidance of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Or religious exemption.

Dr. Jon Pryor, President of Essentia, acknowledged that some fallout could occur as a result of the mandatory vaccine.

“Based on the experience and common sense of other healthcare providers, I think some of the 13,000 employees do not want vaccines for some reason. We need to respect their ideas, so the final You won’t be hired here, so yes, I think we’ll lose some employees. “

Pryor said this fear of losing employees has suspended some of the health care providers who are already understaffed.

“But from a different perspective, I think maintaining the health and safety of our employees makes us less likely to lose to COVID or be forced to quarantine. So, in the long run, this Is beneficial in that it provides resources to care for the patient, and most importantly, to the patient that he is doing everything possible to keep the patient safe. To reassure you. The most important obligation we have. ”

Essentia joins other healthcare providers who have done the same, such as Mayo Clinic, Sanford, Fairlane, and Allina Health System, when requiring employees to be vaccinated. Minneapolis-based Children’s Minnesota also announced on Wednesday that employees will be required to have a vaccine. To date, Pryor has pointed out that about 500 health systems across the country require employees to be vaccinated, and said they expect that number to continue to grow.

St. Luke’s initially planned to recommend vaccination. However, the provider has changed course and is now giving all employees, vendors, volunteers, and board members the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine or religious or medical exemption by September 1. We have applied and are requesting that the vaccine series be completed by October. .. 1. According to a statement on Wednesday from Dr. Nicholas Vandilen, Co-President / CEO and Chief Medical Officer of St. Luke.

“We understand that people have a strong belief in this. Ultimately, the policy is to keep patients and staff safe and reduce the spread of serious illnesses.”

St. Luke’s reports that 78% of all employees and 97% of doctors are fully vaccinated.

Regarding Essentia vaccination rates, healthcare providers have stated that staff vaccination rates are estimated to be similar to those of other large medical systems around the Midwest. However, Essentia has not tracked employee vaccinations since mid-March.

“At that time, 87% of our doctors and 84% of advanced healthcare providers were vaccinated, but 70% of people in other roles who were vaccinated were vaccinated. Of course, everyone has been vaccinated since then. Everyone who is eligible and can be vaccinated, especially the vulnerable elderly and seriously ill patients in the area we serve. It is highly recommended for healthcare professionals who are obliged to protect. “

Although the COVID-19 vaccine is considered effective and approved for emergency use, many employers vaccinate staff until the Food and Drug Administration fully approves the general use of the vaccine. Postponing the request. Its approval is currently expected by Labor Day.

Pryor acknowledged that full awaiting approval influenced Essentia’s decision-making.

Essencia staff also wanted the vaccination coverage of the general public to exceed 70% so far, he said.

“That is, no one likes to mandate things, and hoped there wouldn’t be a fourth surge, but that’s not happening,” Pryor said.

“I want to remind everyone. We are still in a much better place than we are,” he said. However, Pryor called the virus and the risks it poses to those who have not yet been vaccinated a “threat to our way of life.”

“It’s a threat to our economy. Being able to interact socially is a threat to us, and we finally felt — studying this, looking at its legal implications, all the pros and cons. After thinking about it, listening to the sort leader on the topic, and talking to an ethicist, I felt this was the best thing to do. “

The story was updated at 6:50 pm on August 4, with additional comments from President St. Luke Nicholas van Dieren, modified to correct his title at 9:07 pm .. Previously, it was updated with a comment from President John Pryor of Essentia at 3:40 pm on August 4. Originally posted on August 4th at 1:30 pm.

News Tribune Terikado contributed to this story.




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