The CDC reports a 83% increase in recent COVID cases in Davidson County
![The CDC reports a 83% increase in recent COVID cases in Davidson County The CDC reports a 83% increase in recent COVID cases in Davidson County](
![Manya Schmidt, a volunteer nurse at the Shawnee County Health Department in Kansas, will load a vial of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at the clinic on July 28.](
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID Data Tracker, cases of COVID-19 have increased by 83% in Davidson County over the past week.
by CDCCOVID trackerShows current data on cases and vaccinations, and 277 new virus cases have been reported in the last 7 days.
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Janna Walker, a public health strategist at the Davidson County Health Department, said: “Unfortunately, this is affecting the younger generation. People in their 30s and 40s are involved in ventilators … this is really serious and if there is another variant somewhere I don’t know. It’s important that everyone is vaccinated now. “
She said that there were only three new cases of the virus reported on July 4th as a good example of how rapidly these cases are increasing. Just 30 days later, there were 86 new cases.
Some of the reasons for concern are that delta mutants spread much faster and appear to be associated with more serious illnesses, including hospitalization. Health officials have proven that existing COVID-19 vaccines are effective against mutants.
According to NCDHH, the COVID-19 infection rate is high in Davidson County, mainly due to low vaccination rates. It is currently in the Red category of the North Carolina County Alert System. This means that there is a significant community spread of the virus.
Related article:Davidson County’s immunization rate stalls while Delta variants spread nationwide
As of Wednesday, Davidson County had a 36% vaccination rate and 59,239 people were both vaccinated. According to NCDHH, 39% of the population, or 64,045, have been vaccinated once.
As of August 3, Davidson County received more than 119,117 COVID-19 vaccines. This is an increase of 1.6% from the total of 117,265 COVID-19 inoculations last week.
The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention considers people who have been fully vaccinated two weeks after a single dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine or after a second dose of Pfizer or Remodeler vaccine.
According to Walker, as the number of cases increases, it is important to increase the vaccinated population more than ever, but recently it has been uphill.
“There are countless reasons why people are not vaccinated. We live in an era of strong beliefs about the health choices, religions, or politics they use to make decisions. I want people to know that this is about your health and the health of others, “says Walker.
She states that one of the biggest obstacles is the recent tendency to distrust science and vaccines, despite years of vaccine development against various strains of coronavirus. I did. She said it was the same as getting a flu shot for the predominant strain each year.
“We do everything we can to encourage people to get your vaccine, and to wear a mask if you aren’t vaccinated. We are trying to provide the facts and make things as accessible as possible because of the false information in the vaccine, “said Walker.
The Davidson County Health Department offers free vaccinations daily. For more information
According to NCDHH, the county has seen 451 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the last 14 days. By comparison, there were only 56 cases in 10 days in Davidson County for the week of July 14.
In North Carolina, 3,413 new virus cases were reported in 24 hours on Wednesday. The state reported that the total number of cases of coronavirus was 1,058,887, an increase of 2% from the previous week.
The positive rate, which is the number of people tested positive in all given tests, has also recently surged to more than 14 percent in the last two weeks in Davidson County. Last month, the positive rate was less than 5%.
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, a total of 17,630 COVID-19 cases have occurred in Davidson County, killing 206 people.
In North Carolina, 45% of the population is fully vaccinated and 53% are vaccinated at least once. There are currently 1,580 people hospitalized throughout the state, with a total of 13,700 reportedly dead.
As of August 3, the five counties with the highest percentage of fully vaccinated population in North Carolina are Orange County (67%), Dare County (63%), Wake County (62%), and Durham County. (59%), Brunswick. County (58%).
To check vaccination deployment by county See COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker Online, Updated daily.
General news reporter Sharon Myers can be reached at sharon.myers @ Follow her on Twitter @ LexDispatchSM.
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