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Things get worse in an unvaccinated Covid Delta Serge

Things get worse in an unvaccinated Covid Delta Serge


Dr. Anthony Fauci has a calm prediction that “things will get worse.”

The White House’s Chief Medical Advisor is ABC’s “this week“Sunday. It’s hard to imagine a more dire situation than the country’s current surge, but” we look forward to some pain and suffering in the future as we see more incidents, “Forch said. rice field.

The Delta has been rampant across the United States in recent weeks, surpassing the peak of new daily cases last summer and particularly large in the relatively large population of unvaccinated people (50% as of Thursday afternoon). I’m giving a blow.Experts suggest that the United States needs a 90% vaccination rate Reach herd immunityGiven the sharp spreading ability of Delta.

If that didn’t happen, Fauci said McClatchy DC On Wednesday, the virus continues to spread from autumn to winter, giving it a “sufficient chance” to develop another worse variant.

So how bad is “bad”? Here’s what can happen in the coming months and what you can do to stop it:

New (and worse) variants can mean booster shots

As long as the virus can spread May mutate Create a more dangerous variant. The Covid vaccine in use seems to work well for the current variant, but “there may be variants that can push the delta away,” Fauci told McClatchy. rice field.

People may need booster shots if more vaccine-resistant mutants emerge.Country like Israel, Germany When France I have already started the third mRNA vaccine as a booster, World Health Organization It was premature to push boosters until vaccine inequality was addressed around the world, he said Wednesday.

“We’re talking about boosters in countries where vaccines are available,” Kelly Althof, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told CNBC Makeit. “We still have people all over the world who are inaccessible even on the first dose.”

Most of the current ability of the virus to spread throughout the United States, where vaccines are abundant, is due to the large American population of unvaccinated people. About 30% of the US adult population has not taken at least one dose, and about 33% of eligible children aged 12 to 17 have not yet taken it.

New data from the CDC also raises concerns about breakthrough cases in which vaccinated people can occasionally infect other people with the delta variant. CDC Track only breakthrough cases It leads to severe hospitalization and death, but most breakthrough cases tend to be mild or asymptomatic — some specialists are agency-based. Missing important real-time data About their prevalence and ability to grow new variants.

“The worry is that something new is evolving. We call it epsilon or another variant. We need to monitor it carefully,” said Ezekiel J. Emmanuel, Vice President and Co-Director of the Global Initiative. The doctor says. Members of the Institute for Health Change at the University of Pennsylvania said in a briefing with the Infectious Diseases Society of America on Tuesday.

“Unfortunately, if you’re missing a breakthrough infection, you may have missed some evolution here. It’s very important that we follow,” Emmanuel said. Stated.

Cases can rise to 100,000 or 200,000 per day

An important indicator that Covid continues to worsen, according to Forch: the average of seven new daily cases across the country Currently rising..

“Remember, just a few months ago, we had about 10,000 cases a day,” Fauci told McClatchy. “I think you’ll probably have 100,000 to 200,000 cases.” The average is now Higher than last summer’s peak, Before the vaccine is approved and used. According to CDC data, the 7-day moving average for August 2 was 84,389. Last year, the CDC reported about 68,700 new cases per day.

There is evidence of Surge motivates people to get vaccinated..In Louisiana, which has the highest percentage of Covid cases per capita, the number of vaccinated people was seen. It has quadrupled in the last few weeks.

However, even with this vaccination bump, people are not considered “fully vaccinated” for some time. The CDC defines “complete vaccination” as two weeks after the second vaccination of a double vaccination regimen such as Moderna or Pfizer, or two weeks after the single vaccination of Johnson & Johnson. “Even if everyone is vaccinated today, it won’t work from mid-September to late September,” Fauci told McClutch.

Social distance and restrictions may come back

It is unlikely that last year’s complete blockade will be revived. Because the country’s vaccine supply is strong, experts know more about how Covid spreads, Forch told ABC. However, as long as no one has access to the vaccine, for example school-age children, non-pharmaceutical precautions such as masking and social distance may be revived.

In late July, the CDC withdrew mask guidance for fully vaccinated people and recommended it to everyone. Wear a mask indoors in public In counties with “substantial or high communication” as determined by Agency data tracker.. According to Altov, masks that help prevent breakthrough cases and control further infections are also a good idea in areas with high vaccination rates.

“Masking protects you and others, and it’s a really contagious variant, and masking indoors is really important now,” she said.

Restrictions on large indoor and outdoor gatherings may also be reinstated. A 6-foot marker at a canceled party or store is certainly inconvenient, but it can help prevent more restrictive measures.

“No one wants to go back to what we had before in the blockade,” Altov said.

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