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Sydney doctors give a cool insight into how the DeltaCOVID variant is straining the public health system

Sydney doctors give a cool insight into how the DeltaCOVID variant is straining the public health system


Doctors in Sydney shared a powerful post about Delta putting immeasurable stress on the public health system. He talks about the devastation of COVID he witnessed in person.

On Saturday, Dr. Sacha Kepreotis visited Facebook to elaborate on the effects of the virus on hospitals and how vaccination is important to avoid the burden of severe illness.

Watch the video above for the latest information on Sydney’s COVID outbreaks

“I have never received payment from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, or any other pharmaceutical company. In fact, it has never even been offered,” Kepreotis said in his post, allowing him to share it on Gave.

“I have never been told what to tell people about COVID or COVID vaccine. I have never been instructed to withhold information about COVID or COVID vaccine.

“I am also very dissatisfied with the current blockade of the entire city and their impact on people’s freedom, mental health, the ability to generate income, and the broader economic impact, but now I am sorry. However, I know it is absolutely necessary. “

Dr. Sacha Kepreotis.
Dr. Sacha Kepreotis. credit: supply

He went on to say that what Australia is currently experiencing in Delta is “very realistic and incredibly concerned.”

“As we are talking about, hospitals in Sydney are full of COVID-positive patients who are ill and unable to stay home,” he writes. “This has a huge impact on our hospital.

“Each of these cases puts an incredible burden on the system. The entire ward should be closed to facilitate grouping of positive patients.

More than 5,000 COVID-19 cases have been reported in Sydney since Bondi limousine drivers tested positive on June 16.

Approximately 362 of these cases are currently hospitalized and 58 require intensive care.

Hospital staff are also exposed to the virus.

Recently, Westmead Hospital workers were tested positive for the virus, despite being fully vaccinated Wear complete personal protective equipment.

My colleague was fired and the number of staff reached the limit.

“Incredible lengths have been taken to minimize potential exposure to other patients and staff, but that’s not the perfect process,” Kepreotis explained in his post. ..

“Frontline staff are continuously exposed to COVID and are responsible for ensuring that their own wearing and frying techniques are ideal for long shifts.

“All the while, I feel like I’m suffocating with an N95 mask, and I go home with a pressure sore on my face, fearing I’ll take it back to someone who loves the virus.

“I didn’t sign up for this … one doctor, nurse, associated medical staff, cleaner, clerk, security guard, or hospital worker signed up for this s *** did not.

“A single exposure can cause the entire department to fail and critical staff can rest for weeks. We can’t continue.”

For patients, he says, some are out of breath and hospitalized.

“Delta mutants are now more contagious than previous strains and are now widely accepted to cause more serious infections,” he writes.

“Currently, of the inpatients in my hospital with severe COVID, the average age was in their mid-40s and they were hospitalized because they couldn’t breathe.”

An x-ray showing a healthy lung.
An x-ray showing a healthy lung. credit: supply

Kepreotis has attached two x-ray pictures of his lungs to his post.

One is a normal x-ray, where you can see the thorax. The other looks cloudy.

“For my non-medical friends, these scans are terribly abnormal and the lungs should be almost completely black-all fluffy white patches are inflamed and cause hypoxic levels,” he says. I did.

According to Kepreotis, one of the worst CT scans he’s seen was from a man three months after the infection.

“Although much media attention has been focused on death from COVID, little is mentioned about long-term health problems after COVID. We are very afraid of the side effects of rare and almost curable vaccines.” He writes.

Doctors in Sydney shared a powerful post on how Delta has the ability to overwhelm the public health system.File image
Doctors in Sydney shared a powerful post on how Delta has the ability to overwhelm the public health system.File image credit: Fillet/Getty Images / iStockphoto

“If there is a great deal of concern about the characteristics of long-COVID, then there is great concern about the potential long-term side effects of the vaccine. Long-term breathing problems, thrombosis, myocarditis, malaise, poor concentration, Memory problems, taste / smell loss, long-term hospitalization, unemployment, etc. are discovered.

“Symptoms have been confirmed to last for more than 12 months, and no one knows how long they will last. How many people need long-term oxygen? Pulmonary hypertension and related heart problems How many people have a blood clot? How many people have a recurrent blood clot? We don’t know.

“Developing countries will kill for access to one of these incredibly effective vaccines, and we have access to two!”

X-ray of the lungs of a COVID patient.
X-ray of the lungs of a COVID patient. credit: supply

Kepreotis concludes his post by saying it’s not political.

“This isn’t the flu. I can’t repeat it enough,” he writes. “This is not made up of the government. This is the real thing.

“Delta has declared a very good distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated.

“If Delta is around you and you are unmasked or haven’t washed your hands well, you’ll catch it. Vaccination is the only proof that it protects you from serious infections. It is. “

The doctor then spoke openly about what the future of Australians would be.

“As much as I don’t want to admit, our pre-COVID life is dead,” he writes. “The possibility of returning to normal is currently subject to widespread vaccination.

“That’s the only way. Travel, concerts, festivals, shopping, weddings, funerals, holidays, drinking with friends, barbecues, getting to the gym, sports, etc. all rely on mass vaccination.

“Blockages, masks and social distances only protect the medical system from complete disruption until vaccination rates are high enough to resume protection from severe infections.

“This is a global crisis and probably the biggest crisis of our lives,” Kepreotis concludes. “Our social, economic and mental health is broken down by a continuous blockade. Want to get out? Do what I did-take every opportunity you can to get vaccinated. “





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