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State data: More than half of MI county routine immunization rates are less than 70%. 48% Detroit

State data: More than half of MI county routine immunization rates are less than 70%. 48% Detroit



Health officials are concerned about a decline in regular childhood vaccination rates over the past year, especially as schools are about to open.

More than half of Michigan’s counties fell below 70%, according to data from June with Dr. Johnny Kaldoun, the state’s chief medical officer.

Public health officials generally consider 70% to be the desired rate. Seven counties are less than 60%.

The percentage of Oscoda County is the lowest at 45%. Detroit, Michigan’s largest city, accounts for 48%.

“When students return to face-to-face classes, and when we are still working Increase in COVID-19 cases due to delta variantIt is important to avoid the outbreak of other serious and preventable illnesses, “Khaldun said.

The state’s total tax rate is also declining. The tax rate in June 2016 was 74.6%. According to data provided to Michigan Radio by the state Department of Health and Human Services, it was 69.3% in June 2021.

“As we saw in COVID-19 across the country, low vaccination rates in some areas create an environment in which the disease can spread,” says Khaldun. “All you need is one infected person.”

“The choice of vaccination is not just a personal choice. It is a choice to protect the entire community.”

Ingham County Health Doctor Linda Bail said chickenpox-like illnesses, once considered “nuisance,” could be serious. Especially if someone contracts it as an adult.

According to a news release, one of the reasons for the pandemic was that parents postponed seeing a doctor.But authorities are now urging parents to get it Their child’s record was updated immediately..

“… (I) in addition to being at risk for COVID-19, our children are also susceptible to diseases such as measles, chickenpox and whooping cough,” said Veronica, founder of I-Vaccinate. McNally said.

McNally died of whooping cough or whooping cough in 2012.

COVID-19 vaccine for children

Khaldun also warned that children infected with COVID-19 may not be seriously ill, but could be seriously affected.

Michigan Follow MIS-C cases, Or pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome. It is a rare condition that multiple organ systems become dysfunctional, affecting some young people. State website, “I was infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 or was around someone with COVID-19.” As of the end of July 160 known cases..

Children can also contribute to the spread of the virus.

The COVID-19 vaccine is not currently part of the required pediatric immune schedule. However, children over the age of 12 can be vaccinated.

Currently, at least one-third of Michigan children between the ages of 12 and 15 One dose of COVID-19 vaccine.. Forty-three percent of teens aged 16-19 have at least one dose.

Ingham County Health Officer Linda Bail said the message of herd immunity was not transmitted. The number of people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons is always small, and higher vaccination rates protect them.

“Children are now being sacrificed by a pandemic that has an easy solution: adult vaccinations-and in fact vaccinations over the age of 12,” Bale said.

When asked about the very rare potential side effects of the COVID vaccine Myocarditis, Khaldun said, infection with the coronavirus has a much higher risk of serious side effects. COVID itself can cause myocarditis.

Some of MDHHS Coronavirus guidelines Schools after April will use masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status or ventilation.





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