COVID-19 cases increase among children in Central Valley
The highly infectious COVID-19 delta mutant increased cases of coronavirus among children last month, coupled with the inability of children under the age of 12 to be vaccinated.
Nationwide, nearly 100,000 children were infected and hundreds were hospitalized last week. Approximately 200 children with COVID-19 have been admitted to US hospitals daily for the past week.
Valley Children’s Hospital Public data During July, cases of COVID-19 are shown in the inpatient, outpatient, and emergency departments. There was an increase in all regions.
“The surge in pandemics in parts of our community and across the country in recent weeks has raised new concerns about COVID-19 and its children, delta variants, masks and vaccinations,” said Valley Children. An overview of Zu Hospital is given. “Our work is clearly not done.”
Since the start of the pandemic, Valley Children’s Hospital has treated 584 children as inpatients with COVID-19, tested positive for COVID-19, and / or in pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome-children (MIS-C). Reported that he was treated.
MIS-C Conditions that appear to be related to COVID-19 Organs and tissues are severely inflamed. Signs and symptoms associated with MIS-C depend on which areas of the body are affected, including the heart, lungs, blood vessels, kidneys, digestive system, brain, skin, and eyes.
Of the 584 children, about 35% (208 children) were hospitalized for a COVID-19 diagnosis. An additional 93 children were hospitalized and treated for the diagnosis of MIS-C, according to officials at Valley Children’s Hospital.
Hospital overview, title “The condition of our children” He expressed his support for the July 30 statement of the American Academy of Pediatrics Infectious Diseases Commission surrounding vaccines for children and adolescents.
AAP statement Vaccination is recommended for all children and adolescents over the age of 12 except those with vaccination complications.
To combat the epidemic of COVID-19 Valley Children’s Hospital, its staff, vendors, students, volunteers, and people operating in the facility must be vaccinated by September 21st.
Kaweah Health has not yet required staff and nurses to be vaccinated for fear of leaving more conservative nurses. Throughout the state, unvaccinated medical personnel need to be tested weekly.
Vaccinations for children under 12 years old
Recently, AAP Wrote a letter The FDA is urging people to work on vaccines for children under the age of 12 due to the proliferation of highly infectious Delta COVID-19 mutants across the United States.
“Last week, the weekly percentage was the highest. Increase in pediatric COVID-19 cases Since the pandemic began, “he said. AAP President Lee Savio Bears wrote in a letter to Dr. Janet Woodcock, FDA’s deputy commissioner. “Simply put, the Delta variant has created new and imminent risks to children and adolescents throughout the country as well for unvaccinated adults.”
Since the onset of the pandemic, children have accounted for approximately 14% of all COVID-19 cases. However, 19% of the cases reported in the week leading up to July 29 were children nationwide. In Tulare County, the total was over 22%.
“Sadly, more than 350 children have died from COVID since the outbreak of the pandemic, and millions of children have failed school education, social isolation, and often parents and other caregivers. It has been adversely affected by death, “said the AAP letter. Dated August 5th. “Delta variants are skyrocketing at a very surprising rate in all parts of the United States. This surge is having serious implications for everyone, including children.”
Delta variants were detected in the Central Valley during the spring and are currently responsible Over 73% of California Infectious Diseases, And 72% of infectious diseases in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Although the latest update includes statistics up to mid-July, the CDC Nowcast model predicts that by the end of July, nearly 90% of infections in the United States will be dominated by Delta variants.
“As the threat of infection continues to grow and we return to face-to-face activities such as returning to school, we must be vigilant in efforts to delay and stop the spread of COVID-19,” said Valley Children’s Hospital. .. Easy reading. “We have to do everything we can to protect our children. They rely on us.”
CNN contributed to this story.
Lauren Jennings covers the education and news of Visalia Times-Delta / Tulare Advance-Register.Follow her Twitter @lolojennings.. Get alerts and get an idea of ​​everything in Tulare County for just $ 1 a month. Subscribe today.
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