How artificial intelligence finds dementia in a single brain scan
![How artificial intelligence finds dementia in a single brain scan How artificial intelligence finds dementia in a single brain scan](
Scientists are testing artificial intelligence (AI) systems that believe that dementia can be diagnosed early and the rate at which the condition worsens can all be diagnosed in a single scan.
researcher Told the BBC Innovative methods may improve the patient’s prognosis because they usually require multiple scans to properly assess a particular condition of the patient’s condition.
“If we intervene early, treatment can be initiated early, slowing the progression of the disease and at the same time avoiding more damage,” said Professor Zoe Kourtzi of the University of Cambridge and AI and Data Science. The Alan Turing Institute, a fellow at the National Center, told the BBC.
“And symptoms may or may not occur long in life,” an algorithm-based system designed to compare a patient’s brain scan with thousands of other dementia patients. Kourtzi added.
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According to the BBC, preclinical studies show the system’s ability to diagnose disease and additional trials with an estimated 500 participants will be conducted at the clinical level.
Tim Littmann, who leads the study with a group of neuroscientists at the University of Cambridge, called the innovative AI test “great development” because these particular diseases are “really devastating to people.” ..
“Therefore, when I provide this information to patients, what I can do to help them be confident in their diagnosis, provide more information about the potential for disease progression, and plan their lives. It’s great to be able to do anything, “Littmann said.
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However, some experts, including Clive Ballard, a dementia expert at the University of Exeter, cautioned when analyzing a patient’s prognosis with a single AI scan.
“AI has been shown to improve the diagnostic potential of brain scans compared to clinical readings of scans, but there is so much heterogeneity between individuals that a single scan, bio. It is completely impossible to ensure a single scan with markers, or clinical trials. Rating, ” He told the guardian..
“This approach is arguably a positive direction and leads to improved diagnosis, but we really need to be careful not to create false expectations,” he concludes.
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