UAB experts say Delta is “not the same virus” and is urging forced masking in Alabama schools
Pediatric Infectious Diseases experts have urged school districts throughout the state to adopt mandatory masking policies to combat the surge in delta variant COVID cases that fill hospital beds in Alabama.
Dr. David Kimberlin, co-director of the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at UAB School of Medicine, said that although many have mild symptoms, this variant can cause serious illness in children.
According to the latest CDC statistics, 39 of the 1,937 patients admitted to Alabama on August 7 were children. A Children’s of Alabama spokesman said the hospital currently has 16 COVID-positive patients and 5 in the intensive care unit.
“I’m daunting,” he said at a press conference on Tuesday. “I’m scared. I’m much more direct in the way I’m saying things. I’m more passionate. And that’s because I see what’s coming. It’s already hitting us. What is it, and what is absolutely trying to beat us. And we don’t have a lot of time. Still, our collective community knows that we already know the job. Seems to be discussing what they are doing. “
Kimberlin’s comments come as state-wide schools return to class and parents and school boards are fighting fiercely as to whether students need to mask the interior of the least One-third of Alabama schools Students and staff are required to wear masks. Masks are an option in the rest of the district.
According to Kimberlin, the currently predominant form of COVID-19 is far more infectious than previous variants and is second only in its ability to infect people who have encountered the virus.
“I’m afraid of what’s ahead now,” Kimberlin said. “This isn’t the same virus that we’re used to on the dreaded dark days of last year or last winter. It’s even worse.”
Number of New COVID-19 cases and hospitalization It continues to rise throughout the state. on Tuesday, 3,815 new cases Reported in the state. Hospitalizations have exceeded the highs set last summer and are rapidly approaching numbers during the devastating winter surge, Kimberlin said.
“This delta variant is new to us,” Kimberlin said. “And our hospital is full not only on the pediatric side, but also on the adult side. And we all have to give in here and we all have to do our part. No. We know we are tired. But we have to do that. Otherwise, this virus will make a fuss among us. “
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Infectious Diseases Society of America all recommend masking to reduce infections, especially among unvaccinated people. Kimberlin said the new variant is so contagious that he expects to see cases in schools with mask mandates.
“The virus will cause catastrophic damage to children and adults in Alabama,” Kimberlin said.
Unvaccinated adults and children will get sick before the surge ends, Kimberlin said, because the virus is more easily transmitted from person to person. Vaccination is more effective in the long run, but wearing a mask can reduce numbers faster, he said.
“We need to mask,” Kimberlin said. “We do. I’m sorry, I wish it wasn’t true. But we do. For all the deckchairs on the sinking boat, pulling together,” Unless I say “I don’t like it,” I’ll sit and discuss until everyone drowns, but I’ll wear a mask. In m. I don’t necessarily want a vaccine, but I’m over 12 years old, so I’ll give it. That’s what we have to do. “
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