Covid-19: 44 children test positive in one day as Delta variant wipes out New South Wales
Children under the age of 9 in Australia are increasingly positive. COVID-19 In New South Wales, 44 cases of infectious delta variants were detected in one day, with infants accounting for nearly 15% of infections in the last two weeks.
Infectious disease expert Peter Collignon said that the Delta variant is Behavior different from previous strainsChildren could be infected by the virus from their parents as the virus spreads rapidly throughout the home. In Australia, many parents under the age of 40 have not yet been immunized.
Increasing child cases encourage teachers’ unions and the Catholic sector to improve teachers’ access to vaccinations, immunization limits the spread of Covid-19, and teachers when schools reopen He said it was the only way to protect it.
In the last two weeks, children and teens accounted for more than one-third of cases, 70 infections between the ages of 10 and 19 in the last 24 hours, and nearly 400 infections in the past week. ..
read more:
* Covid-19: Decided to jab children aged 12 to 15 in the coming weeks
* Australia’s growing Covid-19 situation: ACT blocked, NSW reports 345 cases
* Covid-19: Don’t focus on key worker jabs as there remains a “gap” in the “wrong” rollout
The Australian Government does not yet have a new semester date or strategy, He said he would wait to see how the number of cases would be tracked in the coming weeks.. The Catholic Department has instructed schools to prepare to provide distance learning for the rest of the third semester, which ends in mid-September.
One option being considered within the New South Wales Department of Education is to return the state’s youngest student, the first and second grades of kindergarten, first. However, New South Wales Prime Minister Gladys Berejikrian acknowledges the challenges posed by infection rates among children.
The NSW Teachers Federation also wants a vaccination plan for senior students.
But Robert Buoy, an infectious disease expert at the University of Sydney, said nearly 1,000 adult Covid-19s have died in Australia, but no children have died, with the majority suffering from serious illness. He said it was important to recognize that it was not.
He said that only a handful of children had long-term symptoms. A new study of more than 1700 British children Only 4.4% had symptoms for more than 4 weeks.
He said routine immunization between the ages of 12 and 15 does not make a significant difference in herd immunity, but people with medical risk factors should be vaccinated.
“Next year, when more than 80% of adults are vaccinated, that’s when we can start vaccination of our children,” he said.
More young people are being vaccinated, according to federal health agency data, and the number of first vaccinated people in New South Wales has nearly doubled in the last two weeks.
By the end of Tuesday, 12% of teenagers aged 16 to 19 in New South Wales had been vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine for the first time, from about 7% a week ago. The state government launched a vaccine program for thousands of HSC students from the western and southwestern parts of Sydney on Monday.
The initial dose rate for people aged 20 to 24 has increased from about 16% to 21, and nearly a quarter of people aged 25 to 29 are receiving the first dose compared to about 18% a week ago.
According to data released this week by the American Academy of Pediatrics, about 15% of all new Covid-19 cases nationwide in early August were children. There was no clear answer as to whether the Delta strain made the child sick, but the severe illness remained rare.
Professor Corignon of the Australian National University in Canberra said Delta seems to be more influential on children than previous strains. “The behavior is different, but a major factor here is immunization, where few people are vaccinated under the age of 20 and people under the age of 10 are not immunized,” he said.
36 people died during the outbreak of Delta. 27 year old male Aude Alaskar When 38-year-old woman Adriana Midori Takara.. A man in his thirties from Belrose died this week at Northern Beaches Hospital.
More and more young people are being hospitalized. Of the 62 patients who received intensive care on Thursday, 3 were in their 20s, 7 were in their 30s, and 5 were in their 40s.
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