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Why does the Covid-19 need a booster?Our medical analyst explains

Why does the Covid-19 need a booster?Our medical analyst explains


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With the Biden administration Scheduled to be announced Most people who get the Covid-19 vaccine need booster immunity, but many have doubts. Is boost immunity safe? Does the fact that boosters may be needed mean that the vaccine isn’t working? And who needs to get them?

To get the answer, we turned to Dr. Linawen, a CNN medical analyst. Wen is an emergency physician at George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health and a visiting professor of health policy and administration. She is also the author of a new book.Lifeline: Doctor’s Journey in the Battle for Public Health.. ”

CNN: Are boosters rare when it comes to vaccines?

Wen: Not at all. First, let’s define what it means to be a booster. Many vaccines require multiple doses to achieve a complete immune effect. For example, the polio vaccine requires four doses. Hepatitis vaccine should be given 3 times. These vaccines are a series, meaning that a second, third, or fourth dose is required to achieve complete immune defense. When they complete the complete series, most people end their lives.

There are other vaccines that occasionally require a “boost” because immunity can decline over time. NS Tetanus-diphtheria vaccine Such an example. This is part of a series of pediatric immunity. And as adults, we are still supposed to get this vaccine every 10 years.

There are other vaccines that need to be given more often. Influenza vaccines need to be renewed annually as there are so many new strains each season. This is not enough to boost our immunity, but because there are new strains that are targeted by the vaccine.

It is not uncommon to need additional injections of the vaccine. Covid-19 is a relatively new illness that has only occurred in the last two years and requires a three-dose series like hepatitis, so it is not yet known if another dose is needed. If there may be occasional “boost” immunity such as tetanus; or new strains may emerge and shots may be needed to target these strains.

CNN: Does booster mean that the vaccine doesn’t work?

Wen: No. I’m still learning about Covid-19. You may need a third booster shot to finish the series. After that, no additional immunity is needed. Also, immunity weakens over time, and occasionally boosters can help boost immunity.

The Covid-19 vaccine is safe and very effective. According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vaccines protect us about 25 times more from severe illness. That’s the number one reason we get vaccinated – to reduce the chance of hospitalization or death.

Vaccination also reduces the chances of getting Covid-19 by about one-eighth. Vaccinated people are much less likely to get sick from Covid-19 than unvaccinated people. Therefore, the person is less likely to spread the coronavirus. These are all very compelling reasons to get vaccinated to protect yourself and others around you.

Almasevilla is preparing a Pfizer vaccine vial at the Mobile Vaccine Clinic in Los Angeles.

Irrfan Khan / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Almasevilla is preparing a Pfizer vaccine vial at the Mobile Vaccine Clinic in Los Angeles.

CNN: Are boosters safe?

Wen: Yes. We regularly receive additional shots of other vaccines. These studies on additional boosted immune doses have been carefully conducted in the United States and other countries. Several other countries, such as Israel and Germany, have already approved a third booster dose. If the Covid-19 booster is licensed, it will be studied by many to make sure it is safe.

CNN: Who needs to get a booster at this time?

Wen: That’s what our federal health authorities are currently investigating.They are already moderate or severely immunocompromised, and people who have been vaccinated twice with Pfizer or Moderna Now you can take it for the third time.. Further guidance is expected soon for other groups.

For now, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Booster dose determination is probably not a universal recommendation and will be determined individually according to your medical situation.

CNN: If you need to get a booster later, you may want to know what the purpose of getting a vaccine is.

Wen: There is a logical fallacy here, but I understand that this is a concern raised by some people. If you have to fasten your seatbelts tomorrow, what’s the point of wearing your seatbelts today? The vaccine protects you well. Booster immunity may be required to obtain additional continuous protection. Just because more protection may be needed in the future does not mean that you should not get the first protection provided by the vaccine.

Ultimately, the Covid-19 vaccine protects us and our loved ones and is the key to ending the pandemic. You may need a booster. If you have any advice, you need to get a booster.





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