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Atlantic Daily: Three Signs of Vaccine Working


As the US government is fully committed to booster shots, there are three ways to consider whether the COVID-19 vaccine is working.

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Hand holding COVID-19 vaccine
Getty / Atlantic

U.S. government is working on everything COVID-19 Booster.. Most people will need it, and soon, authorities said today based on evidence that protection can begin to decline within about six months.

Depending on the method, it is a kind of truth, not a kind. protection Is defined.New data show that some vaccinated people can get it Infected Coronavirus, especially Aggressive transmitters such as delta variants— However, the current shot is also well protected from COVID-19. disease, Especially in the worst form.

There are three ways to consider whether a vaccine plays that role.

We are still sailing past the original goal post of the shot.

Vaccine protection for all is quite possible Infection NS Gentle decline, And also strong Symptomatic disease.. Some defense tasks are more difficult than others. The immunized body may not be able to completely stop the virus from entering the respiratory tract, but it still prevents the established infection from causing symptoms and spreading further.

The vaccine was “initially evaluated for its ability to limit the progression of COVID-19 disease. Looking at the data, Not much changed“Ryan McNamara, a virologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, told me.

Report of infection after vaccination It may feel disappointing months after being told that vaccinated people are rare enough to be able to remove our masks. However, the vaccine does not have to eliminate all the last motes of the virus to end the pandemic, yet it reduces the infection.

Context is important.

Some of the new statistics can look scary. Vaccinated people account for about 20% of COVID-related hospitalizations in certain parts of the country, and these numbers were once certain in the single digits.

But statistics like these obscure another trend. As the proportion of vaccinated people increases, so does the proportion of inpatients who have been vaccinated.

In a fully vaccinated population, only people in hospitals with COVID-19 will be vaccinated. However, there may be only three of them, compared to the hundreds without inoculation. Consider a rough analogy of a traffic accident. Most of the drivers involved are licensed … because they make up the majority of the people on the road.

We can’t lose sight of Collective benefits We also provide vaccines.

Much of this week’s topic focuses on how well vaccines work in individuals — who is infected? Who is sick?

But don’t forget that the vaccine protects both those who receive it When What they interact with by reducing infections and infections (if not completely eradicated). So the best way to move forward is to make a collective investment to consider who the shot should be directed to.

Millions of people in the United States, When Billions more abroad, I haven’t taken a shot yet. Boosters are built on established protection, but the protection is more widespread with the first dose. The first shot always exceeds someone’s existing defense by more than a third.

On August 17, 2021, a heavy rain caused by a tropical cyclone Grace struck the area in Rekai, causing the child to sit next to a flooded classroom and next to a dry mattress. ..
Richard Pierin / Getty

3 sentences news:

(1) In Afghanistan Taliban soldiers fired at a crowd of protesters, When Thousands of people were crowded outside Kabul Airport, Trying to escape. (2) Rescue operations continue The death toll from the big earthquake last weekend About 2,000.. (3) T-Mobile Data breache We have released personal information of more than 40 million people.

How to read when … I’m looking for practical advice on how to manage risk in the light of delta variants.

Do you have questions about viruses or this pandemic moment? Ask us.

Approved activity in the Atlantic Ocean tonight:

Please choose the next book. Radiant Fugitives, a new novel set in San Francisco during the Obama era, Renders “anything but dull” politics in the late 2000s.

If you are looking for something different Our summer reading guide Full of staff recommendations for carrying you until August.

Breaking away from the news:

Amazon killed the name Alexa.

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