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Scottish Government Launches Country’s First Women’s Health Plan | Scotland

Scottish Government Launches Country’s First Women’s Health Plan | Scotland


Efforts to reduce the waiting time for diagnosing endometriosis from more than 8 years to less than 12 months provide a personalized care plan for women after their first miscarriage and access to specialized menopausal services. The expansion will form part of the Scottish Government’s first women’s health plan announced on Friday.

Informed by women’s own testimony, the plan is described as “the first step in a long-term effort to reduce women’s health inequality.” The 68-page document also appoints national women’s health champions, a research fund to bridge the gap in scientific and medical knowledge, and improve information and public awareness about heart disease symptoms and women’s risks. Promises to establish.

When she started the plan, women’s health minister, Marie Todd, said the evidence that women needed more information and support from medical institutions was overwhelming.

“In very important areas such as heart health, women are inferior to men in health,” she said in Good Morning at BBC Radio Scotland. Scotland..

“Women also have specific health needs, such as support for managing conditions such as menstruation, menopause, and endometriosis.”

Endometriosis, which can be the cause Chronic pelvic pain, painful sexual intercourse, bowel and bladder problems, and painful periods It affects an estimated 1.5 million women across the UK, but diagnosis times are surprisingly long.

Asked about the systematic inequality women often face when accessing the medical services they need, Todd said: We listen to what women are saying to us and we are determined to correct it. “

In response to the plan, James Joplin, head of the British Heart Foundation Scotland, pointed out that coronary heart disease killed nearly three times as many women as breast cancer. “At every stage from the moment of experiencing symptoms to cardiac rehabilitation, women with heart disease can face disadvantages,” he said.

“We need to better understand women’s risks and raise their awareness of the symptoms of a heart attack.”

Todd said women suffering from a heart attack have been described as having “atypical symptoms.” “Women present like women, not atypical, which only reflects that men are the default setting,” she said.

Angeline Mwafulirwa, founder of the African women’s network Sharpen-Her, focuses on developing cultural abilities in terms of recognizing barriers that can discourage women from seeking help. Welcomed that.

“The main concern of our community is to access the service and inform the women who need it,” she said. “For example, in the case of menopause, it’s not what we’re talking about, but how we perceive what’s happening to us and ask for help.

“We are suffering in silence and many women without our community are struggling to get help. That’s why we use ambassadors in the community to inform women. Is a good idea. “




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