WHO states that Covid’s misinformation is a major factor in causing pandemics around the world.
RT: Maria, Head of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases of the World Health Organization (WHO), at a press conference on the status of the coronavirus at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, on January 29, 2020. Van Kerkhove will give a talk.
Dennis Bali Bose | Reuters
World Health Organization top executives say false information about Covid-19 and vaccines seems to have worsened in recent weeks, preventing people from firing and driving an increase in cases around the world. Said.
Public health leaders have accused conspiracy theories and false information about growing distrust of vaccines around the world.Therefore, US surgeon General Vivek Murthy Declaring Covid’s false alarm as a “serious public threat” In America last month.
“In the last four weeks or so, the amount of false information there seems to be getting worse. I think it’s really confusing to the general public,” said WHO’s Covid-19 technical lead. One Maria Van Kerkhove said: Q & A livestreamed on the organization’s social media channel on Tuesday. She said it is another risk factor that “allows the virus to really thrive.”
According to medical personnel, the outbreak has caused false information to become a problem, increasing the hesitation of vaccines among vigilant people. They hope that the official approval of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine on Monday will help put some people in a pinch about being immunized and receiving injections.
According to a July 15-27 survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 3 out of 10 unvaccinated Americans are likely to be vaccinated with FDA approval. It states. A credible explanation for their hesitation, this time looking at other excuses for why they refuse to vaccinate.
According to Kaiser, most unvaccinated Americans consider the Covid vaccine to be a health threat rather than the virus itself. data.. According to Kaiser’s data, most Americans who are least likely to get the Covid-19 vaccine are white and unlikely to have a college degree and a Republican.
Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said false information about vaccines was “one of the biggest challenges we still face when vaccination of the general public. “.
“I’ve heard false claims that the Covid-19 vaccine causes infertility, contains microchips, and causes Covid-19,” Marks said. “To make matters worse, I’ve heard false claims that thousands of people died from the vaccine. To be clear, these claims are simply not true.”
The Pan American Health Organization, director of WHO’s Latin American branch, has personally appealed to residents of Caribbean countries. “Wake up” from the drowsiness of incorrect information If Covid’s false information spreads throughout the island, you will be vaccinated.
False information has plagued public school board meetings across the country as the school district is considering mask and vaccine obligations for children and staff returning to the next school year. Parents and locals cite unproven false allegations about Covid and vaccines Residents’ videos have been talked about on social media, so Rambust Education and Public Health Authorities to consider Mask’s obligations Attended the Public Board of Education.
Vaccination may help us get Covid-19 Under control By the spring of 2022, according to the president’s medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
“We want people in unvaccinated countries to recognize that they have the ability to essentially reduce the time to the end of this pandemic,” Fauci said in a press conference on Tuesday. “Vaccination dramatically reduces the time frame.”
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