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Ontario does not reach COVID-19 group immunity until children under the age of 12 are vaccinated.

Ontario does not reach COVID-19 group immunity until children under the age of 12 are vaccinated.


At least 90% of vaccination rates, according to a Public Health Ontario report COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) This is because the entire population is needed to achieve herd immunity and the vaccine needs to be given to infants.

Currently, children under the age of 12 are not eligible for shooting, so it is difficult or impossible to reach such a high percentage, the report shows.

A report released Monday said that delta mutants are more contagious, cause more serious illness, and reduce the effectiveness of single vaccinations compared to other strains. And now, Delta is a major variant of COVID-19 in the state.

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“As a result, the level of vaccination required for’herd immunity’is currently estimated to be at least 90% of the population and more than 100% of the vaccinated population,” the report read.

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Dr. Peter Uni, science director at the COVID-19 Science Table in Ontario, told Global News earlier this week that some restrictions were needed in addition to ongoing vaccination efforts until a child under the age of 12 was shot. He said there was. ..

The report also called the fall scenario “complex” due to several factors. The report cites factors such as Ontarian behavior after the restrictions have been completely lifted and when infants are vaccinated.

He also said that low global vaccination rates, coupled with increased domestic and international travel to and from Ontario, also made it difficult to obtain herd immunity.

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Dr. Keeran Moore, Ontario’s chief health doctor, also said at a weekly briefing on Tuesday that he hopes that 90 percent of the eligible population will be fully immunized.

“To delay the virus and limit its impact on the community, we need to increase the number to 90% or more, which will benefit from reduced hospitalization and reduced use of the intensive care unit. “Mr. Moore said.

The report also states that Ontario’s three-stage reopening plan was originally based on the Alpha variant (B.1.1.7). The plan required that 75% of the eligible population be fully vaccinated, which Ontario achieved. Similarly, all 34 local public health units must be fully vaccinated with at least 70 percent of the eligible population in order to pass Step 3. All units except Haldimand-Norfolk, located at 69%, meet that threshold.

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However, reports show that delta variants require higher thresholds.

“At the time of this writing, children under the age of 12 are not yet expected to be vaccinated in early fall, and the delta’s contagiousness has increased significantly, which could lead to widespread outbreaks. It’s important to note that there are, “the report said. ..

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“This is expected to have a significant impact on day care, school, and after-school settings,” the report continued. “At the individual level and within the associated population, children under the age of 12 are still at risk of infection and are at risk of spreading to older people who are not fully vaccinated in the community and are at high risk of serious consequences.”

The report also showed that a surge in cases could be a serious problem for a small proportion of children with serious consequences.

Group immunity is when there are enough people There is protection against disease by being vaccinated or by catching it and collecting and developing antibodies. When the disease is reintroduced, most people are protected and the disease does not occur.

— Uses Global News Leslie Young files

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© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.





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