COVID-19: Eight New Cases Encouraging New Brunswick to Follow Public Health Guidelines-New Brunswick
New Brands Wickers are urged to continue public health practices, although they are no longer needed, as the state deals with community infections. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection)..
Eight new cases of COVID-19 were announced Thursday. Six of them are in Zone 1 of the Moncton region, three are related to close contact with another case, and three are under investigation. There are also two cases related to traveling in Zone 3 of the Fredericton region.
With 15 new recovery, the number of active cases has decreased slightly to 157.
At a press conference Thursday, Deputy Chief Health Officer Dr. Christine Mucke said the number of cases had “exploded” since the state entered the green level of the reopening plan, raising concerns about the number of cases below. Expressed. Research.
Currently, there are 13 cases in the Moncton area and 1 case in the Fredericton area, which cannot be traced back to the original source of infection.
She said that both alpha and delta variants exist in the state, “and both of them are known to be more contagious than the original version of the virus.”
As a result, Muecke encourages people to continue to implement public health recommendations, even if the restrictions are lifted with the onset of the green level.
“Given our current number of cases and evidence of community expansion, I highly recommend that all New Brands Wickers continue to wear masks when in indoor public spaces,” she said. rice field.
Horizon’s new CEO appointed to replace Karen McGrath, who defended the health reform plan
“It’s true that masks aren’t currently required by law, as they were in the early days of the pandemic, but we can and will spread rapidly among unprotected people. Don’t forget that you are working on. “
She said the majority of new cases were among unvaccinated people.
However, the number of hospitalizations is still low, with four hospitalized as of Thursday. With the deployment of the vaccine, “At this time, there is no simultaneous increase in serious illnesses and hospitalizations that endanger the medical system.”
Asked if the state would consider re-implementing public health restrictions during the fourth wave, Muecke said it was an “evolving process.”
“All options are being considered and are still being discussed,” she said. “We need to take various measures, so we will not only discuss them, but also convey them to the public.”
Vaccine rise
Currently, more than 74% of eligible New Brands Wickers are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and nearly 84% are initially vaccinated.
During the meeting, Health Minister Dorothy Shepherd said the number of people booking vaccines was “promisingly increasing.”
As of this morning, 1.1 million doses have been administered.
She said an average of 6,000 people booked vaccines in the past few weeks, but this week it surged to 8,000.
“I hope more people will choose to get vaccinated as we head into the fall,” she said.
“We know that this is the best tool we need to protect ourselves and our loved ones.”
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