Benefis urges community to mask and sees an increase in young COVID-19 patients
The Great Falls Benefis Health System posted on their Facebook page on Wednesday urging the community to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19, especially among children.
According to the post, this summer the hospital has operated far beyond its normal capacity and the number of patients has increased with the admission of COVID-19. The total number of hospital censuses, or hospital admissions, is higher than the height of COVID-19 in our area.
“Recently, we needed to reopen a dedicated COVID-19 patient care unit where the average age of patients is getting younger,” the post read.
The post emphasized that the delta variant is more contagious than the virus that caused the epidemic last fall. Delta variants also have more serious effects on children than previous strains of the virus.
“Currently, people under the age of 12 cannot be vaccinated, so wearing a mask is the best option to protect against the onset and spread of the disease,” the post reads.
Benefis said it strongly supported the Great Falls Public School decision A mask is required throughout the elementary school. A decision made by the school district board last week.
“Undoubtedly, it is in the best interests of our children to wear masks as much as possible at school,” the post read. “Without that level of protection, it’s hard to imagine how the health of our community would be carried after the beginning of the school year.”
Chester-Joplin-Inverness (CJI) Public School District Due to concerns about the spread of COVID-19 after teachers, the start date has been postponed to Tuesday, August 31st. Test positive For the virus after this week’s teacher training.
Cascade County Public School also issued a COVID-19 response update on Wednesday, stating that asymptomatic elementary school students may return to school on Monday, August 30.
The update states that asymptomatic junior high and high school students may undergo a rapid examination at school on Tuesday, August 31st. If the test is negative, students will be able to return to class, activities and practice on September 1st. They do not test on Tuesday and may return to school if their school activities on September 4th are asymptomatic. This includes practice.
For questions, please refer to the contact information provided in the update online..
The state posted 629 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, bringing the total number of active confirmed reports in Montana to 4,239. The number of active cases in the state has increased by 129% since August 5. Every county in the state has at least one active case of COVID-19.
According to the state’s website, the state has 118,890 recovery, 1,781 deaths, and 210 active hospitalizations for the virus.
The state has tested 1,601,616 for coronavirus, which is 5,781 more than Wednesday.
more:Governor Jean Forte encourages vaccines but does not require shots or masks
To date, a total dose of 936,356 COVID-19 vaccines has been administered. There are 459,514 residents who are fully immunized against COVID-19. 50% of the state’s eligible population is fully vaccinated.
To book a vaccine
Cascade County reported 12 new cases. The county currently has 596 active cases, a decrease of 147 cases since the report on Wednesday.
Ben Spencer, a spokesperson for the Cascade County Health Department (CCHD), said the decline in cases was due to the closure of active cases after more than 15 days.
“Ideally, after follow-up discussions with infected individuals, each case to ensure that closure criteria are met and all epidemiological data (demographics, symptoms, etc.) are recorded. Currently, we prioritize the first case investigation over closing the old case, “Spencer said in an email reply.
Including this decline, the county has seen a 227% increase in the number of cases since August 5.
The Municipal Health Department (CCHD) has responded to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to encourage both vaccinated and unvaccinated people to wear masks indoors.
According to the weekly update of CCHD, the county positive rate is 13.5% and the average weekly COVID-19 case rate is 50.04 per 100,000 people.This means that the county is still in the “high” community of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Transmission range..
This update reported 90 new breakthrough cases, or positive cases for fully vaccinated individuals, and 19 new mutant cases this week.
Spencer knows that all variant cases identified in the county in the past week are delta variants.
Currently, the county has a total recovery of 9,892 and deaths of 195. No deaths from COVID-19 have been reported since last week.
The county received 62,820 COVID-19 vaccines and 31,279 were completely vaccinated. Forty-five percent of the county’s eligible population is fully vaccinated.
Yellowstone County reported the state’s most active COVID-19 cases, 720 cases. The county also added the newest of 199 new cases on Thursday.
A woman in her thirties died of COVID-19 on Tuesday, according to a Wednesday release from the Yellowstone County Health Department’s River Stone Health. According to this release, she is the youngest virus in the county that has killed 292 people since the pandemic began in early 2020.
“Our heart is directed at the loved ones of the people of Yellowstone County who were lost to the COVID-19 virus,” said John, Yellowstone County Health Officer and CEO and President of Reversetone Health. Felton says. “Recent deaths are a terrible reminder that this deadly virus can attack people of all ages. Billings Hospital has recently seen an increase in young inpatients with COVID-19 disease, including children. increase.”
The county is offering a walk-in vaccine clinic next week, and you can schedule an appointment by calling the immune clinic at 247-3382.
Flathead County has added 100 new cases, creating a total of 663 active cases. Missoula County has added 71 new cases, bringing the total to 596 active cases. Gallatin County has 233 active cases after adding 47 new cases. Hill County has added 38 new cases, for a total of 62 cases. Lewis and Clark County has 231 active cases after adding 33 new cases. Lincoln and Ravalli counties each added 31 new cases. Big Horn County and Lake County each added 14 new cases.
Nicole Garten is a government watch reporter for the Great Falls Tribune.You can email her [email protected]..To support coverage of Great Falls and Cascade County, at the top of the page[è³¼èª]Find the link and subscribe to Tribune.
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