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The CDC reports that unvaccinated, unmasked teachers infected more than half of the students in the class with Covid-19.

The CDC reports that unvaccinated, unmasked teachers infected more than half of the students in the class with Covid-19.


This is a prime example of how easy it is to undermine efforts to protect children who are too young to be vaccinated, said Dr. Rochelle Warrensky of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Stated.

The teacher came to work even with Covid-19 symptoms, took off his mask, and had a young student from the Marin County Public Health team read it. Reported in the CDC Weekly Report on Death and Illness. The researchers found that the teachers speculated that the symptoms were allergies rather than infections.

In the classroom of 22 students, 12 were infected. This includes eight of the two students in the front row.

And even though it is a layer of measures aimed at preventing viral infections.

“Schools require teachers and students to mask indoors. Interviews with parents of infected students suggest that students are more compliant with masking and distance guidelines in line with CDC recommendations. However, it was reported that the teacher was unmasked when reading aloud. In class, “the report read.

“During this period, all desks were 6 feet apart,” he added. “All classrooms had portable, high-efficiency particulate air filters, and doors and windows remained open.”

Protecting the children was not enough.

Eventually, 27 people, including teachers, were infected. There were no serious illnesses and everything recovered. These cases analyzed were associated with a delta variant of the coronavirus, but researchers said they could not necessarily test everyone who might have been infected at the time of the outbreak. ..

The CDC has highlighted this case as an example of how schools need to follow all recommendations if they want to protect their students and staff.

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“A teacher who was symptomatic, unvaccinated, and unmasked when read in class brought the virus into the classroom at school, resulting in classroom, school-wide, and student families. An incident occurred in the community, “said the community staff.”

“We know how to protect children at school. We have the tools.”

CDC Guidance for schools Vaccination is listed as the best way to protect everyone. “Vaccination is a key public health preventive strategy to end the COVID-19 pandemic. Promoting vaccination allows schools to safely return to face-to-face learning, extracurricular activities and sports.” Stated.

Children under the age of 12 are not eligible for vaccination, and the CDC states that it is important for adults around them to be vaccinated.

The county’s deputy health officer, Dr. Lisa Soundtrack, said authorities have been urging teachers to vaccinate since January, but many have not been vaccinated. “I’ve seen first-hand that it’s not children who make teachers sick, and that’s the opposite,” the soundtrack told CNN.

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According to the soundtrack, Marin County has held a “Super Saturday” event to encourage teachers and staff to be vaccinated, but some teachers have not yet been vaccinated. “Adults underestimate the risk of hospitalization if they choose not to be vaccinated,” she told CNN.

She said that 90% of people in hospitals that currently have Covid-19 in the county are unvaccinated, many between the ages of 30 and 50.

The outbreak in primary school was a caution to the county that Delta variants would make it more difficult to prevent the outbreak, she said.

“There were some adults who were part of the outbreak-they were parents of school children-they were vaccinated. It was another thing to tell us that the Delta was different. It was a sign, “she said.

“Of the five infected adults, one parent and teacher were unvaccinated and the other was completely vaccinated,” the report said. “A vaccinated adult and one unvaccinated adult showed symptoms of fever, chills, cough, headache, and loss of olfactory sensation. Other school staff did not report illness. . “

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The county was able to perform intensive contact tracing operations to better understand what happened. Some children seemed to be infected while oversleeping, and some in the infected teacher’s class seemed to be infected with siblings.

Examination of most exposed children was important because many children have never developed symptoms.

“The school was in favor of all their mitigation strategies,” Santora said. “If it weren’t for Delta, I think we wouldn’t have seen this.”

Nevertheless, the CDC has concluded that face-to-face classes can be safely held if the school takes care of them.

Los Angeles County authorities investigated the case at school from September to March. They counted 463 cases of students who may be associated with school exposure at the time, and 3,927 cases of direct return staff. This was a much lower case rate than the entire community during the same period. They reported.

“In schools with safety protocols for prevention and containment, child and adolescent case rates were 3.4 times lower during peak winters compared to community rates,” they wrote.

“This analysis reflects the pattern of transmission before the more contagious SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant became predominant in the United States. Masking, physical distance, testing, and more recently. Multifaceted preventive strategies, such as vaccination of children, and adolescents over the age of 12 will continue to be important in reducing infections as more students return to the classroom, “they added.

“These findings from large and diverse counties provide preliminary evidence that schools provided a relatively safe environment during the 2020-21 school year.”





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