How can I avoid heart disease and stroke? -Science Daily
The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in clinical practice are available online today. European Heart Journal..
90% of the risk of heart attack, stroke, or peripheral arterial disease (PAD) can be explained by smoking, poor diet, lack of physical activity, abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, elevated blood lipid levels, and diabetes. , Psychosocial factors, or alcohol. These guidelines focus on atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD), which affects arteries. When the inside of an artery is clogged with fat deposits, the artery can no longer supply enough blood to the body. This process is a major cause of heart attack, stroke, PAD, and sudden death with complete occlusion of arteries. The most important way to prevent these conditions is to adopt a lifelong healthy lifestyle and treat risk factors, not smoking in particular.
Recommendations are provided for healthy adults of all ages and for established CVD or diabetic patients. Identifying who will most benefit from prophylactic treatments such as blood pressure and lipid-lowering therapies is central to preventative efforts, and therefore estimating CVD risk is the basis of guidelines.
The goals of blood lipid, blood pressure, and glycemic control in diabetes are as recommended by recent ESC guidelines for dyslipidemia, hypertension, or diabetes. Current guidelines introduce a step-by-step approach to strengthening prophylactic treatment, always considering potential benefits, other conditions, psychosocial factors, and patient preferences. For example, for healthy people, the step-by-step approach begins with smoking cessation, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and recommending everyone to keep systolic blood pressure below 160 mmHg. Recommendations are then adjusted according to the 10-year risk of CVD (calculated by a healthcare professional using the available risk score).
“Individual decisions using a step-by-step approach to risk estimation and treatment are more complex than a universal approach, but reflect patient diversity and patient characteristics in routine clinical practice and are appropriate for the patient. Treatment is essential to give proper rights. ” Professor Frank Viseren of the Utrecht University Medical Center in the Netherlands, who chairs the Guideline Task Force, said.
The new section is dedicated to communicating risk in the shared decision-making process. The purpose is for individuals to understand their risks, the expected mitigation of preventative measures, the strengths and weaknesses of interventions, and their priorities. For healthy people, the standard approach is to calculate the likelihood of CVD within 10 years. Because 10-year risk is generally low, young people may find the lifetime risk and lifetime benefit estimates of precautionary measures to be more beneficial.
Smoking cessation significantly reduces heart attacks and deaths and may be the most effective of all preventative measures. Smokers under the age of 50 have a five-fold higher risk of CVD than nonsmokers. All smokers should be encouraged to quit smoking and second-hand smoke should be avoided as much as possible. For the first time, the guidelines clearly state that smoking cessation is recommended and remains beneficial regardless of weight gain. Although there is evidence that e-cigarettes may be more effective than nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation, their long-term effects on cardiovascular and lung health are unknown and double-use with tobacco tobacco. Should be avoided.
When it comes to exercise, adults of all ages should work for at least 150-300 minutes a week at moderate intensity, or 75-150 minutes a week with intense intensity, aerobic exercise, or an equivalent combination. For the first time, it is recommended to reduce the amount of time you tend to sit down and do light activities at least all day long. Also new is to consider wearable activity trackers to increase activity. The guidelines state that: “The most important thing is to encourage activities that people can enjoy and incorporate into their daily lives, as such activities are likely to be sustainable.”
When it comes to nutrition, we recommend a healthy diet for everyone to prevent CVD. This should emphasize plant-based foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts. New recommendations include the adoption of a Mediterranean or similar diet. Limit alcohol intake to a maximum of 100 g per week (standard drinks include 8-14 g). Eat fish, preferably fat, at least once a week. Limits the consumption of meat, especially processed meats.
In terms of weight, it is recommended that overweight and obese people lose weight to reduce their risk of blood pressure, blood lipids and diabetes, thereby reducing the likelihood of CVD. The guidelines state for the first time that weight loss surgery should be considered for obese people at high risk of CVD if healthy eating and exercise do not maintain weight loss.
Mental disorders such as anxiety are associated with an increased risk of CVD and a worsening prognosis for those who have already been diagnosed with CVD. The new recommendation is to provide enhanced support to patients with these conditions to improve lifestyle changes and compliance with medication. It is also new to consider referrals to psychotherapeutic stress management for CVD and stressed patients.
The guidelines recommend policy interventions at the population level to improve heart health and promote healthy choices. This includes measures such as reducing air pollution, reducing fossil fuel usage, and limiting carbon dioxide emissions. Other measures include increasing the availability of school playground spaces and restricting the sale of unhealthy food to children on television, the Internet, social media and food packaging. Addictive e-cigarettes should be subject to marketing management similar to standard tobacco, especially flavored varieties that appeal to children. You can consider labeling alcohol with calorie content and health warnings.
As summarized by Professor François Mach, Chair of the Guidelines Task Force at the University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland, “CVD prevention focuses on healthy people and patients and considers other health conditions and environmental factors, including air pollution. Need an integrated interdisciplinary approach. “
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