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US Coronavirus: There is no doubt about the effectiveness of the vaccine as the FDA is considering the possibility of booster shots.

US Coronavirus: There is no doubt about the effectiveness of the vaccine as the FDA is considering the possibility of booster shots.


Vaccine Mainly aimed at reducing Dr. Linawen, a CNN medical analyst, said hospitalization and death-which data show that they work.

“Not everyone agrees is the second thing I believe that the point of vaccination is to reduce the level of infection,” Wen said.

This is an issue currently being discussed by authorities and health professionals, as the average of new daily cases has skyrocketed over the past two months.

President Joe Biden and many experts say there is good reason for the third booster. And three reports Announced Wednesday, it supports the argument that people may need a booster of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine over time, suggesting that such booster is safe. ..

The report is part of a set of data discussed when the FDA’s vaccine advisor considers a request for most people to approve a third booster six months after the first two vaccinations. is.

However, there is no unanimous agreement so far. On Monday, a group of international vaccine experts, including some from the FDA and the World Health Organization, Written in the lancet Its current evidence does not currently seem to support the need for booster shots in the general public.

Focusing on boosters can also distract a greater proportion of the masses from the mission of getting the first dose.

Only about 54% of the US population is fully vaccinated, and experts agree that it is the best form of protection against the virus.

There is still no clear answer as to whether I need a vaccine boosterDr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, said Wednesday, but there is a “mountain” of data that experts should consider before making a decision.

He added that Friday’s discussions will be open to the public so people can see the data that goes into the decision.

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Local health departments plan to prepare to deploy booster doses next week given a green light from the FDA, but many still have doubts, the National County and Municipal Health Officials Association said. Lori Tremmel Freeman told CNN on Wednesday.

“How long are the boosters apart? Is it less than eight months at this point? What is the age limit? Is there a priority group?” Freeman said. “We don’t want to be unprepared. We don’t want to look untuned with boosters.”

On September 14, 2021, a nurse fills a syringe with the Pfizer / BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine at the Reading Area Community College campus in Reading, PA.

Insensitive to tragedy

Covid-19 is because the pandemic continues to be sacrificed 666,000 and 41.5 million infected In the United States since January 2020, the public has become insensitive to tragedy, said Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former FDA commissioner, Wednesday.

“We are somewhat happy with so many deaths and illnesses,” he said when attending the SALT Hedge Fund Conference in Manhattan.

In her obituary, the family says that more people could have been vaccinated to prevent their mother's death from Covid-19.
United States marked another Severe milestone Wednesday: 1 in 500 Americans died in Covid-19.

Wen said the numbers are difficult to process.

“Imagine one in 500 Americans died in war for a foreign enemy in the last year and a half. How do you handle that information now? What will we change? Do you? “She asked. “Why don’t we do everything we can to end the war and end suffering and death?

“For the time being, it’s not really conscientious not to do everything you can with vaccines and masks.”

Experts are also surprised by the increasing number of cases among young people. Covid-19 infection in the first 9 months of 2021 Children and adolescents According to Dr. Carissa Etienne, director of the Pan American Health Organization, there are over 1.9 million people in the Americas (including the United States and Canada).

That’s more than 400,000 than it was all last year before the Covid-19 vaccine was available to young people over the age of 12.

In the United States, schools are likely to increase as schools reopen in the northeast, Gottlieb said.

“It will be built,” Gottlieb said, noting the outbreak of schools in other areas hit by Delta variants. “Schools will also be a source of dissemination in the northeast.”

However, Pfizer’s board member, Gottlieb, does not expect the northeast to be as severely hit as the south, primarily due to previous infections and high immunization rates.

Most Americans Support Covid-19 Limits

Other strategies being promoted by the authorities to strengthen anti-virus measures are vaccine obligations and mask requirements.

Last week, Biden Announce plan To tackle a pandemic. This included requiring companies with more than 100 employees to be vaccinated or regularly inspected.

Similar measures have already been implemented in many states and workplaces.

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Los Angeles plans to extend vaccination requirements by implementing new health orders that require vaccination verification for indoor bars, wineries and night clubs and recommend the same for indoor restaurants, said Barbara, director of the county public health department. Feller announced on Wednesday.

There is support for Covid-19 vaccination requirementsHowever, according to a report released Wednesday by Pew Research Center, only in certain settings.

Approximately 61% of adults say they need vaccination proof to travel by air, 57% say they need to attend a public university, and 56% say they need to go to a sporting event. increase.

When it comes to restaurants, Americans are divided and 50% say they need evidence to eat in-store.

For stores and businesses, 54% oppose vaccination requirements.

And most Americans believe that the public health benefits of Covid-19’s restrictions are worth the economic and lifestyle costs, the report said.

CNN’s Lauren Mascarenhas, Virginia Langmaid, Jacqueline Howard, Matt Egan and Cheri Mossburg contributed to this report.





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