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Scientists will consider a second Covid vaccine for children once the booster campaign begins

Scientists will consider a second Covid vaccine for children once the booster campaign begins


Scientists are now investigating whether children will need a second dose of the vaccine after a booster campaign has begun and the first dose of Pfizer vaccine was approved earlier this week at age 12 and older.

Catherine Gill received the first Covid-19 booster jab given at Croydon University Hospital in southern London when the NHS launched the Covid-19 booster vaccination campaign.Shooting date: Thursday, September 16, 2021
Today’s Catherine Cargill Jab (((

Image: PA)

A Covid vaccine booster campaign was launched on Thursday to strengthen defenses before the expected winter surge.

The NHS has begun to jab people who have already received two injections after being given a green light by the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization.

Millions of people, including clinically vulnerable health care workers and certified care workers over the age of 50, are targeted for injections.

Scientists are currently investigating whether children need a second vaccination, and if so, what type they need. Health leaders approved the first dose of Pfizer vaccine for people over 12 years of age earlier this week.

Last night’s figures show that 89.2% of the population over the age of 16 is taking a single dose and 81.4% are double jabbed.

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Hospital worker Deebraim receives her third dose



Dr Nikki Kanani of NHS England, who announced the launch of the Adult Booster Jab Campaign, said:

“You don’t have to contact the NHS. We’ll contact you when it’s your turn to get the booster vaccine. At least 6 months after your last dose.”

Catherine Cargill, a birth support worker at Croydon College Hospital in South London, was one of the first people to receive the Pfizer booster vaccine on Thursday.

She states: “Before the winter season, I made sure I was protected, I was able to continue working, I was able to spend time with my family and continue to study.”

GPs are said to be able to vaccinate against winter flu at the same time if inventory allows, but neither vaccination should be delayed.

In addition, a jab center and a local pharmacy-led site will participate in the campaign next week.

Covid-19 Booster Jab Prepared at Croydon University Hospital



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Pfizer Jab can be given as a third dose of Oxford / AstraZeneca, even if it is given in the first two doses.

Minister of Health Sajid Javid “It’s great to see the first booster jabs unfolding today. It’s a tireless effort to help fight the Covid-19 and protect the most vulnerable people. Thanks to NHS’s incredible efforts.

“We know that vaccines save lives, and in every jab our defensive barriers are higher.”

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British public health officials said the vaccine prevented the hospitalization of 230,000 people.

An additional 26,911 Covid-19 infections and 158 deaths were recorded yesterday. According to figures from the National Bureau of Statistics, 159,000 people have died in the United Kingdom. coronavirus It was on the death certificate.

The director of health hopes that jabs over the age of 12 will prevent more cases and stop further confusion in school education. Researchers yesterday published a study of vaccination schedules for ages 12-16.

The Com-Cov 3 Trial aims to recruit 360 volunteers to be enrolled in one of the four parts of the study.

Matthew Snape, an associate professor of pediatrics and vaccine science at Oxford University, said:

“In addition to the standard two full doses of Pfizer vaccine, if the second dose of Pfizer is half the first dose, or if a different vaccine, such as a vaccine, is in full use. See how responsive the volunteers are, by Moderna or Novavax.

“This gives JCVI the essential information to provide immunity advice for teens in the UK.”

Researchers hope to report their first results by December.

The hospitality boss has exploded the possibility that the pub may still need a vaccine passport.

This week, Health Minister Sajid Javid left the door open to require panters to present evidence of coronavirus vaccination or a negative test before offering a pint.

The pub director Greg Maloland’s campaign said:

“Instead, the government should stick to Plan A and encourage as many people as possible to be vaccinated.”

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