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Covid 19 Delta Outbreak: 20 New Cases of Locked Down Auckland Citizens Sticking to Hope

Covid 19 Delta Outbreak: 20 New Cases of Locked Down Auckland Citizens Sticking to Hope
Covid 19 Delta Outbreak: 20 New Cases of Locked Down Auckland Citizens Sticking to Hope


An empty street in Auckland in the midst of a level 4 blockade.Photo / Alex Burton

There are 20 new Covid-19 cases in the community, but only one has been unlinked as an Auckland citizen wishing to change their alert level on Monday.

19 of the new cases are households or known contacts.

The Ministry of Health said in a statement that an interview was underway to determine how they were exposed to the unlinked case.

At this point in the outbreak, he said that fluctuations in the number of cases were expected.

Auckland citizens wanted a small number this weekend before the government decided on Monday whether the area could be lowered to alert level 3.

High-level testing in Auckland “continues to be an important part of our outbreak response to detect cases in all communities and prevent subsequent infections,” the ministry said. Stated.

“People with Auckland cold or flu symptoms, no matter how mild, should come forward to be tested,” the ministry said.

“In addition, both symptomatic and non-symptomatic people living in the suburbs of interest are required to be tested. These are Mount Eden, Massey, Mangere, Favona, Papatoetoe, Otara and Manurewa.”

There are 10 people in the hospital, 3 of whom are in the ICU or HDU.


Seven of the 11 yesterday had exposure events. Four cases yesterday were isolated throughout the infection period.

In the last 14 days, there are 7 cases that have not been linked to other known cases.

Currently, there are 142 places of interest.

And there are nine epidemiologically linked subclusters, the ministry says.

“Of these, one is active, seven are contained, and one is dormant. The three largest subclusters are Māngere Church Group: 384, Birkdale Social Network Cluster: 80, Māngere Church Group 166. Secondary community transmission related to.

“There are 10 subclusters that are not epidemiologically linked.

“Many clusters are no longer a source of concern, as there are no new positive cases in the clusters,” the ministry said.

“Each cluster of interest can be seen as a large bubble, mostly a close household group. There was good communication and involvement with these household groups.

“Additional reports include the number of active, inclusive, dormant, or closed subclusters based on the time since the last case associated with the subcluster was reported, and whether the case was a household member. Factors such as will be included. This will help us to determine the risks associated with each subcluster. “

Fortunately, Covid-19 was not detected in the wastewater sample collected from Snells / Agies on September 14th.

According to the ministry, this early detection is likely to come from known cases in the area.
Recovered cases may continue to shed viral material for several weeks after recovery.

During the current outbreak, there were 1010 cases in the Covid community in Auckland, of which 625 recovered.

There were 17 more cases in Wellington, 16 of which recovered.

Herald and NZME have launched a campaign. 90% projectWork for at least 90% complete vaccination against Covid-19 in a qualified population by Christmas.

Meanwhile, Covid-19 modeling experts believe that blockade fatigue may require a shift in alert levels in Auckland next week, even at the risk of agitating the slow embers of Delta.

Professor Shaun Hendy of the University of Auckland says that when the cabinet meets on Monday, it will be forced to balance the risk of further infection with the consequences of an extended blockade.

“You can keep level 4 and counteract this. I’m sure it will,” Hendy said. I told Herald yesterday.

“On the other hand, everyone is just above level 4, so we need a little light at the end of the tunnel … it’s worth taking the calculated risk.”

But ending the blockade isn’t immediately catastrophic, but Hendy said relaxing restrictions could have consequences while the virus is spreading in the community. ..

“If you still see consistent community communication, [level] 3, you just give [transmission] Opportunity to speed up.

“If you accept that you may need to return to level 4 in October, moving to level 3 is a low-risk option.”

Yesterday, Dr. Caroline McElney, director of public health, said the outbreak was high, even though eight of the active cases were not yet epidemiologically related, including the case identified at Middlemore Hospital on Thursday. The part said there was “cautious optimism.”

Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson said yesterday’s test rate was very good this week, but the government did not set a number on what it would take to move the alert level.

“I’m absolutely grateful for the fact that the citizens of Auckland have spent the last five weeks, and it’s difficult, and thank the citizens of Auckland for that.

“Keep your faith … what we did under alert level 4 worked.”

Listen to the podcast science digest with Michelle Dickinson for the safety of the Covid-19 vaccine and other things you need to know.





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