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“Very Effective” Ovarian Cancer Treatment Can Help Thousands of Women | Ovarian Cancer

“Very Effective” Ovarian Cancer Treatment Can Help Thousands of Women | Ovarian Cancer


Thousands of women Ovarian cancer After being shown to shrink tumors in half of patients with advanced disease, they can benefit from innovative drug combinations.

Two drugs that work together to block the signals that cancer cells need to grow may offer new treatment options for women with ovarian cancer who have little response to chemotherapy or hormone therapy.

Experts said the “great” results from early trials of new drug combination therapies presented at the European Society for Medical Oncology suggest that the treatment is “very effective.” They have been so successful that Phase 2 trials are already underway.

Researchers say they are “satisfied” with the results and hope that if the results are reproduced in larger trials, they could mean “significant progress” in treatment.

Phase 1 trial led by a team at the institute cancer Research (ICR) in London and the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust have tested VS-6766 and de factinib drugs in patients with low-grade serous ovarian cancer.

Experts add that this type of cancer tends to develop at a young age, with less than 13% of patients responding to chemotherapy and less than 14% responding to hormone therapy.

The results of the study show that of the 24 patients evaluated, 46% responded to treatment and the tumor shrank significantly.

Outcomes for patients with specific mutations were even better, with 64% of patients with KRAS-driven tumors shrinking after treatment. Researchers say this indicates that tumor profiles can be used to identify patients who are most likely to benefit from new treatments.

They said that people between the ages of 31 and 75 who participated in the trial lived an average of 23 months before the cancer progressed.

“Overcoming the ability of cancer to evolve resistance to treatment is a major challenge for cancer research,” said Professor Christian Herin, CEO of ICR. “This study provides a deeper understanding of how cancer promotes its growth, develops resistance, and develops into highly targeted treatments for patients who currently have few treatment options. I did. “

Dr. Susana Banergie, also an ICR consultant, medical oncology scholar, and research leader in the Royal Marsden Gynecology Unit, added: “

According to Banerjee, the combination therapy was also effective in patients who had already received MEK inhibitors, which may shrink the tumor but tend to stop functioning when the tumor becomes resistant to treatment. ..

She added: “We are pleased that this combination of drugs worked very well in a group of patients in urgent need for new treatment, including those who were previously treated with MEK inhibitors. This is low-grade serous. I am very much looking forward to becoming the standard treatment for women with ovarian cancer. “

Separately, at a meeting of the European Society for Medical Oncology, trials of new drugs to treat certain types of breast cancer were praised as “breakthroughs,” and the results suggest a strong trend towards improved overall survival. It is said that.

Pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca Enhertu said she showed a 72% reduction in the risk of disease progression or death in women with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer compared to other drugs.

The study, which enrolled approximately 500 patients in Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, and South America, showed a “strong trend towards improved overall survival” in Enhertu.

However, it was also pointed out that this analysis was “not yet mature and not statistically significant.”

Dr. Kotryna Temcinaite, Senior Research and Communications Manager at Breast Cancer Now, said: Matter. “




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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