Return to school to notify parents about COVID-19 exposure BC
Victoria-British Columbia is reversing the course about notifying parents COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) School exposure after state health officials previously said that reports of a single case caused too much anxiety.
Dr. Bonnie Henry said Tuesday that parents and teachers across the state needed to be informed about the virus’s transmission and that the new system is expected to be introduced by the weekend.
“We asked the team to get together now to notify the school in a timely, unobtrusive and more sustainable way, and to give parents quick access to that information.” She said.
Henry said in early September that notifications would only be sent to outbreaks or clusters, saying parents and the BC Teachers’ Federation would be more anxious if they didn’t understand what was happening at school. I urged you.
The online COVID Tracker page created last year by Richmond’s mother, Kathy Marlis, contains data based on exposure and case information submitted by teachers, parents, and managers. She states that if the data is provided directly from the state, it will provide better service to parents, teachers and students.
When the ICU reaches critical levels in northern British Columbia, patients are transferred to other areas.
Henry is notified of parents of students exposed to COVID-19, but follow-up of each case takes longer than expected as the public health team prioritizes schools to maintain youth learning. Said there is a possibility.
BC reported 525 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, Move the active case to 5,282.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, another person has died and the death toll has risen to 1,900.
Henry also advises pregnant people, those planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding, to be vaccinated with COVID-19 after 40 pregnant women have received intensive care in BC in the past few months. I did.
People in that group were not included in the clinical trial, but actual evidence shows that vaccination prevents serious illness and hospitalization, Henry added.
She said health care workers, including those of childbearing age, need to be vaccinated to protect themselves, colleagues, and others who may be exposed to the virus.
The risk of complications in immunized pregnant women and their babies does not increase, and international data show that there is no difference in the rates of miscarriage, preterm birth, stillbirth and other adverse effects, Henry said.
“It’s clear that these vaccines don’t affect childbirth in women, boys, or young men. They don’t affect childbirth. There’s no way they can do it. It’s one of the common lies out there today, designed to create fear. “
Delta variants show that unvaccinated pregnant women have a higher rate of stillbirth and preterm birth, leading to preferential vaccination in many states.
The Canadian Obstetrician-Gynecologists Association and the National Vaccine Advisory Board recommend vaccines for pregnant or lactating women.
Currently, there are 332 hospitalized in the hospital, of which 155 are in the intensive care unit.
Health Minister Adrian Dix said that as of Sunday night, 138 people receiving intensive care had not been vaccinated.
Dix asked people to immunize. Especially in the northern region, cases of COVID-19 are higher per capita than elsewhere in the state, and infections are increasing at Peace River’s Site C Dam project and long-term care facilities. Squeeze resources in hospitals, including Fort St. John.
“These very high case rates lead to hospitalization and are excessive due to the ability of the ICU in the north and the fact that it has been overextended by COVID-19 to health care workers and has not met the vaccination goals in northern health. We are putting a lot of pressure on it to be expanded to, “he says. Said.
Restrictions, including restrictions at personal gatherings and events, came into force in the region on September 7, and Dix announced plans last week to hire and retain more healthcare professionals in the region.
He said on Tuesday that 12 patients, including 9 diagnosed with COVID-19, were transferred to intensive care units in other parts of the state, putting increasing pressure on health care workers.
“We cannot continue to ask them to compensate for the catastrophic consequences of people deciding not to be vaccinated.”
Henry said some people are avoiding vaccination because of complacency, disinformation online, and disinformation from some state beliefs and community leaders.
© 2021 The Canadian Press
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