What is the R.1 variant?Experts explain COVID-19 strain
NS Delta variant continues Behind the COVID-19 case in the United States, there is another variant that has been talked about in the news. It’s called R.1 and happened last spring at a nursing home in Kentucky. So what is the R.1 variant and what do the authorities think? This is what you need to know to keep your loved ones and yourself safe.
What is the R.1 variant?
The R.1 variant was the subject of Spring 2021 report From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who pointed out this Specific COVID-19 variant There are “significant mutations”. According to the CDC, one of these mutations, called the D614G mutation, “shows evidence of increased viral infectivity.” In other words, it may be more infectious than the previous COVID-19 strain.However, the CDC is currently R.1 Variant of interest or concern..
Other mutations in R.1 Have got We have created a list of Variant of Concern for CDC. According to the CDC, these mutations may not respond to COVID-19 treatment and may at least partially evade the vaccine.
A few Report Subspecies have emerged in 47 states, but R.1 is not actively monitored by the CDC, making it difficult to know for sure, but at least it is known to have emerged in Kentucky.
What happened during the R.1 outbreak?
The CDC study analyzed data from the March outbreak of nursing homes in Kentucky. The report showed that out of 83 residents and 116 health care workers, 26 residents and 20 jobs were positive for COVID-19 during the outbreak. Genome testing later revealed that the infection was due to the R.1 variant.
All infected people had symptoms, one of whom died. Approximately 90% of nursing home residents and 52% of staff were fully vaccinated with COVID-19, and overall, 25.4% of residents and 7.1% of staff were infected.
The CDC points out that “between unvaccinated residents and health professionals, the incidence of vaccinated people was three to four times higher,” but the data show that the COVID-19 vaccine is R. It also shows that it may be less effective against. 1.1.
Data also detected 4 Possibility of reinfection, This shows “some evidence that innate immunity to this mutant is restricted or diminished,” the CDC says.
How much do you need to worry about the R.1 variant?
Not so much. It is important for public health authorities to recognize R.1 and track its location in the country, said William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease specialist and professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. But he says it’s not something the general public should emphasize now. “R.1 is smoldering, but it’s not seriously competing with the Delta variant,” he says. (Delta variants currently account for 98.4% of all COVID-19 cases in the United States. CDC data.. )
Amesh A. Adalja, MD, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Health and Security Center and an infectious disease expert, agrees. “It’s unlikely to replace Delta,” he says. Still, Dr. Adalja said, “It is important to study its response to this mutant, vaccine and monoclonal antibody, and its spread.”
In the meantime, doctors are advised to ensure that they have been fully vaccinated with COVID-19 and continue to mask indoors in areas where COVID-19 infection is significant or high. ..
This article is accurate at the time of the press. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses rapidly and the scientific community gains a better understanding of the new coronavirus, some information may have changed since it was last updated. We aim to keep all the stories up to date, CDC, Who, And yours Local public health sector To keep up to date with the latest news. Always consult your doctor for professional medical advice.
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