What you need to know about upstate viruses
Greenville News, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, and Anderson Independent Mail regularly publish such live blog-style stories, along with the latest COVID-19 news related to the Upstate community. This is a summary of the COVID-19 News on September 23, 2021. Check the details as the news progresses.
SC Children’s Hospital reports 24 children admitted with COVID-19
The South Carolina Children’s Hospital Collaborative reported Thursday that the state had 24 children hospitalized with a COVID-19 diagnosis. That’s two more than Wednesday.
In the last 7 days, the largest number of reports of collaborators hospitalized for COVID-19 diagnosis was September 17, with 38 children.
Collaborators also reported that one child was engaged in life support for COVID-19. Children rely on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to help with heart and lung function.
Beds in the state pediatric intensive care unit operate between 100% and 79% capacity. Joint hospitals representing four South Carolina children’s hospitals (Prisma Upstate Children’s Hospital in Greenville, Prisma Midlands Children’s Hospital in Colombia, MacLeod Children’s Hospital in Florence, Medical Care) are about which hospitals are overcapacity Did not immediately share specific information about. Children’s Hospital at the University of South Carolina in Charleston.
According to Thursday’s report, four children are on ventilators and three are in the emergency department.
The group reported that all children admitted with COVID were not vaccinated.
DHEC reports 3,165 cases on Thursday
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environment has identified 3,165 COVID-19 cases on Wednesday and 44 cases across the state, based on information collected on Tuesday. Reported death.
There are currently 10,386 confirmed deaths associated with the COVID-19 diagnosis in the state, and 1,571 may be associated with COVID.
Of the 24,310 COVID-19 test results reported Thursday, 12.4% were positive.
The state’s cumulative total is currently 674,403 confirmed cases. In addition, there were 163,676 possible cases.
In Greenville County, there were 349 new confirmed and possible cases of the new coronavirus reported Thursday. The Census Bureau estimates that the most populous Greenville in the state’s 46 counties accounts for 10.2% of the state’s population and 11.0% of confirmed cases.
Pickens County, which accounts for 2.5% of the state’s population, accounted for 3.7% (118) of the cases announced Thursday.
Spartanberg, which accounts for 6.4% of the state’s population, accounted for 5.5% (175) of new cases, and Anderson, who accounts for 3.9% of the population, accounted for 4.9% (158) of cases.
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Held in Senior Action
Senior Action, a non-profit organization that helps maintain adult health, will partner with Greenville Discount Pharmacy to host a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic within a few weeks.
Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson vaccines are available to anyone who has not received the first injection.
Booster shots will be available on a case-by-case basis:
- People over the age of 65 who received both Pfizer vaccines at least 8 months ago
- For people with weakened immunity who received both doses of Moderna vaccine at least 8 months ago
- There is no Johnson & Johnson Vaccine booster
Date and location:
- Monday, October 4th, 10 am-1pm, Mount Pleasant Community Center
- Tuesday, October 5th, 10 am-1pm, Sterling Community Center
- Tuesday, October 5th, 4pm-7pm, North St. Center E
- Wednesday, October 6th, 10 am-1pm, Pleasant Valley Connection
- Thursday, October 7th, 10 am-1pm, E.North St. Center
- Friday, October 8th, 10 am-1pm, Berea Community Center
- Monday, October 11th, 10am to 1pm, Needmore Center
- Tuesday, October 12th, 10 am-1pm, Simpsonville Activity Center
- Wednesday, October 13th, 10 am-1pm, Slater / Marietta Community Center
DHEC issues a flu warning as hospitals are “overwhelmed”
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environment has reminded residents that when the flu season begins, they need to be vaccinated against the flu every year to protect themselves from the flu.
DHEC said in a news release emailed Wednesday that hospitals and medical facilities overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients are concerned that they have limited resources dedicated to patients seeking treatment for influenza and other illnesses and conditions. He said the urgency was very high.
According to DHEC, face masks, physical distances, frequent hand washing, and general surface disinfection prevent the spread of COVID-19 and the flu virus.
Last year’s flu season was one of the mildest seasons of decades. DHEC reported an average of 3,779 influenza cases, 2,944 influenza hospitalizations, and 135 influenza-related deaths each year in the state, according to influenza reports for the past five seasons. When COVID precautions were implemented last year, only 265 influenza, 188 hospitalizations, and 19 influenza-related deaths were reported in South Carolina.
Influenza and COVID-19 can show similar symptoms. According to DHEC, anyone with symptoms such as fever, chills, coughing, or sore throat should be tested. Because testing is the only way to identify a person’s illness. If a person with these symptoms test negative for COVID-19, you can talk to your healthcare provider about getting a flu test.
DHEC reports 2,327 cases on Wednesday
Based on information collected on Monday, DHEC reported 2,327 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 85 confirmed deaths across the state on Wednesday.
The state currently has 10,347 confirmed deaths associated with the COVID-19 diagnosis and 1,566 deaths that may be associated with COVID.
Of the 17,849 COVID-19 test results reported Wednesday, 13.8% were positive.
The state’s cumulative total is currently 672,143 confirmed cases. In addition, there were 162,737 possible cases.
In Greenville County, there were 300 new confirmed and possible cases of the new coronavirus reported Wednesday. The Census Bureau estimates that the most populous Greenville in the state’s 46 counties accounts for 10.2% of the state’s population and 12.89% of confirmed cases.
Pickens County, which accounts for 2.5% of the state’s population, accounted for 3.09% (72) of the cases announced Wednesday.
Spartanberg, which accounts for 6.4% of the state’s population, accounted for 8.0% (187) of new cases, and Anderson, who accounts for 3.9% of the population, accounted for 5.19% (121) of cases.
Check again for more details on this developing story.
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