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Cold recurrence: Infectious diseases surge in the UK when autumn comes | Cold

Cold recurrence: Infectious diseases surge in the UK when autumn comes | Cold


NS Return of school The arrival of autumn means that common colds and other respiratory infections are steadily increasing, spreading coughing, sneezing and more serious illnesses and encouraging some to report. The worst cold ever..

According to Public Health England, there are no particularly annoying new viruses to do rounds, but as the number of cases increases, experts expect more frequent infections and more serious symptoms now that the UK is out of the blockade. I warn you that you can.

Colds and other respiratory tract infections tend to increase in September, when school returns and autumn comes, but then 18 months social distance and wearing a maskMany people are considered to have weak immune defenses to protect themselves from the onslaught of respiratory viruses.

An overall weakened immune system can lead to infection with a virus that can usually be avoided with little problem, or coinfection that can make you feel sick. This is especially possible if all the viruses blocked by anti-covid protection bounce off at once.

Professor Ronald Eccles, a former director of the Cold Center at Cardiff University, said: “Currently, we see this increase, but the fact that we are socially distant and wearing masks has knocked out the entire system from the quilter, and children have been immune to it for the past year or so. Did not have. “

Common colds are caused by a wide range of viruses, including 100 rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus, and 4 nonviruses.COVID Coronavirus, influenza, parainfluenza. Occasional exposure to the virus, especially in winter, increases immunity to the virus.

In other countries, the common cold surge after the blockade has already been seen.Schools and nurseries witnessed in Hong Kong Cold explosion When they resumed last fall. That’s not the only thing that happened. Professor Stephen Holgate of Southampton General Hospital said, “In New Zealand, non-covid disease of the respiratory system occurs early, affecting especially those who spread to school children and nurseries, and may be more serious. Is expensive. ” ..

“This is already happening in the UK, especially with RSV and admission to children’s hospitals and intensive care units, RSV occurs a month or two earlier than usual,” he added.

UK Public Health Service Surveillance Released on thursday The number of people who develop colds and other respiratory infections continues to increase, especially among those under the age of 15, but it has been shown that cases are also increasing in the elderly.

“The common cold may now be revived due to reduced social distance and mask wear. The cold bounces and the airways are respiratory enough to carry its powerful front line. I have no recent experience with colds. Defense, “said Peter Openshaw, a professor at Imperial College London.

In July, the Medical Academy reported many respiratory viruses, including influenza and RSV. Bounce in winter Add to NHS Covid stock. Dr. Gary Howsam, vice president of the Royal College of General Practicing, said that as these infections increase, it is important to have a prompt Covid test when symptoms appear.

“After a year or more when most non-frontline staff had limited contact with others, as they spent more time mixing with others, colds, flu, and the community Covid-19. Along with the virus, it’s a stomach bug, “he said.

“The symptoms of Covid-19 can be very similar to those of other illnesses such as the common cold. Therefore, the patient may have a high temperature, a new continuous cough, or a loss or change in olfactory or taste sensation. If you experience 19 symptoms, it is important that you immediately undergo a PCR test and be positive, resulting in self-isolation for the required period of time. “

Dr. Yvonne Doyle, Medical Director of Public Health England, said: Hand washing, ventilation and wearing a mask are not only important for Covid-19, they also keep other insects away. If you feel unwell, try to stay at home. “




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