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Halifax Research Team Conducts Canada’s First Trial for COVID-19 Vaccine Potential


HALIFAX — The first Canadian clinical trial of the potential COVID-19 vaccine will be conducted by the Halifax research team who was also involved in the trial that eventually led to the Ebola virus vaccine.

Health Canada has approved a study to be conducted at the Canadian Vaccine Center at Dalhousie University.

The center’s director, Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Scott Halperin, has one of several laboratories in Canada and the United States, and was used in West Africa in a study that began in 2014 before Phase 3 clinical trials. The “emergency release” of the Ebola vaccine says it was finally seen completed.

According to Halperin, each lab undertook a slightly different survey to get the right type of information before moving on to the second and then the third phase.

“Phase 1 studies were conducted, data were available within 6 months, and Phase 3 studies were launched in West Africa, which helped stop the epidemic,” he said in an interview. ..

Halperin said the same urgent release could occur in Canada with the potential COVID-19 vaccine if it was considered potentially safe and potentially safe, and would normally complete. Facilitates a process that can take years. ..

“That’s what Health Canada and the Government of Canada have to decide if they want to do it. But this is certainly a toolkit that can help accelerate the process if this is another vaccine or another vaccine.” It looks like a promising option. ”

Halperin pointed out that despite its early use during testing, the Ebola vaccine was not actually licensed as a regular commercial vaccine until the end of last year.

However, he warns that much work remains to be done before the COVID-19 vaccine is approved for use.

Halifax researchers will follow up on research by Chinese manufacturer CanSino Biologics, which is already conducting human clinical trials of vaccines.

Halperin said phase 1 trials would need to be conducted within the next three weeks once final approval is obtained from the Center’s Research Ethics Committee.

Phase 1 includes less than 100 healthy volunteers aged 18 to 55 and will be followed for the next 6 months.

“We want to make sure that the vaccine is first safe for young people before going to those who may be at higher risk,” said Halperin.

Participants are vaccinated and clinically monitored through a series of blood tests. They are also asked to keep a record of their symptoms in a diary, giving researchers even more information.

“We collect all kinds of symptoms they may have, whether or not they seem to be related to the vaccine,” said Halperin.

Each participant will visit the center 9 to 13 times during the first phase of the survey.

If the first test group showed a safe immune response to the vaccine, Harperin said the researchers would soon move to an expanded second-phase study before the first phase was completed.

It involves hundreds of people of all ages, including people aged 65 to 85, and is managed by several other research centers across the country that are part of Canada’s Immunization Research Network.

Halperin said the network was established by the federal government in 2009 as part of its response to the H1N1 pandemic. He said his intention was to respond quickly to emergencies and create the necessary infrastructure to carry out early-stage clinical trials for vaccine availability in Canada.

“This is a good test of that (network),” said Halperin about the first clinical trial of “more to come.”

This report by Canadian Press was first published on May 17, 2020.


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