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New Brunswick announces COVID-19-related deaths, 61 cases on Saturday

New Brunswick announces COVID-19-related deaths, 61 cases on Saturday


Halifax-New Brunswick announced another COVID-19-related death and 61 new cases on Saturday.

People in their 70s in the Fredericton region died of the disease, bringing the total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to 53.

“Marcia and I are sad to hear another death due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Prime Minister Brain Higgs said in a statement.

“Our idea lies with this person’s family and friends, and everyone who has lost a loved one or became ill with COVID-19. If possible, play our role in protecting each other. Get vaccinated “

“We would like to express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the deceased individual,” said Dr. Jennifer Russell, a medical officer of health, in a presentation.

The number of active cases is 580.

According to public health, 85%, or 52 of the 61 new cases, are not fully vaccinated.

There were also 53 recovery times.

Zone 1 (Moncton area) has six new cases:

  • Two people under the age of 19.

  • Two people 20-29;

  • Two people 30-39.

Five cases are under investigation, one is the contact information for previously confirmed cases.

There are four new cases in Zone 2 (St. John region):

  • Two people under the age of 19.

  • People 20-29; and;

  • Person 30-39.

All four cases are contact information for previously confirmed cases.

The 16 new cases in Zone 3 (Fredericton region) are:

Two people under the age of 19.

  • Person 20-29;

  • Person 30-39;

  • Two people 40-49;

  • 3 people 50-59;

  • 3 people 60-69;

  • 3 people 70-79;

  • Person 80-89

Eight are under investigation and eight are contact information for previously confirmed cases.

The 18 new cases in Zone 4 (Edmanston region) are:

  • 5 people under 19 years old.

  • 3 people 20-29;

  • Person 30-39;

  • 5 people 40-49;

  • 3 people 50-59;

  • Person 80-89.

Twelve cases are under investigation and six are contacts for previously confirmed cases.

Nine new cases in Zone 5 (Campbellton area) are:

  • 5 people under 19 years old.

  • Person 20-29;

  • Two people 30-39; and;

  • Person 40-49

Eight cases were previously confirmed case contacts and one is under investigation.

The six new cases in Zone 6 (Bassert Region) are:

  • People under the age of 19.

  • 3 people 20-29;

  • People 70-79; and;

  • Person 80-89

Five cases are under investigation, one is the contact information for the previously confirmed case.

two Examples of Zone 7 (Miramichi area) are as follows.

  • People under the age of 19. When;

  • People aged 20-29

One case is under investigation and the other is the contact information for a previously confirmed case.

Vaccine renewal

According to public health, 78.9 percent of eligible New Brands Wickers are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and 87.7 percent are first vaccinated.

All eligible New Brands Wickers can schedule a second dose at least 28 days after the first dose.

List of upcoming mobile clinics and walk-in clinics Available online..

State of emergency revived

New Brunswick has announced that it will bring the emergency back on Friday, based on the current level of hospitalization by COVID-19.

This includes new measures to limit contact, maintain physical distance, and require specific companies and events to have vaccination or masking and testing workplace policies.Additional details Available online.

Description of private gathering

Private indoor rallies may have 20 consistent contacts in addition to your family members.

It does not apply to businesses such as restaurants where patrons must show evidence of complete vaccination or medical exemption.

If you are hosting a private outdoor rally, there is no limit to the number of people and they are physically separated.

Public health measures

All current public health measures continue to be implemented, including forced use of masks in indoor public spaces and the following requirements: Show evidence of complete vaccination To access specific events, services, and businesses.

Anyone who enters New Brunswick New Brunswick Travel Registration Program..

Additional information about updated measures Available online..





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