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Hero Honor Moon: “You Must Be a Warrior” | Green County

Hero Honor Moon: “You Must Be a Warrior” | Green County


Millions of warriors and heroes walk among us.

As of January, more than 3.8 million women with a history of breast cancer live in the United States, according to the report. Breast

Breast Cancer Awareness Month begins today and continues until October. This issue of the Daily Mail is printed in pink to mark the start of the one-month campaign.

Leeds’ Pam Gesky, 69, works as a member director of the Green County Chamber of Commerce. She is a former employee of Columbia-Greene Media.

Geskie was loyal to getting an annual mammogram after the age of 40.

When she was 43 years old, regular screening by Gesky revealed that she had ductal carcinoma in situ, or DCIS, in her left breast. This is the earliest breast cancer when abnormal cells are contained in the ducts and have not yet invaded other tissues.

No surgery was needed in the early stages. The cell has been deleted and Geskie has been cleared.

Seven years later, she found a rectangular lump on the same breast during a self-examination.

“I just had this inking — something told me this wasn’t good, but find it,” Gesky said. “I immediately called the doctor and remember my words:” I want to make sure this is nothing. “

All women should undergo a monthly self-examination to check for abnormal lumps and changes in breast tissue density and participate in an annual physical examination. Talk to your healthcare provider about your family history and the genetic risk of breast cancer to determine when to start a mammogram or cancer screening.

Women over the age of 40 should obtain a recommended annual mammogram combined with a monthly self-examination to maximize early detection.

The lump was an aggressive stage 2 tumor that quickly grew to a size of 2 centimeters. Geskie, then 50, had a clear annual mammogram seven months before the tumor could not be followed.

“It wasn’t just your typical breast tissue,” Geskie recalled. “It didn’t hurt.”

Gesky vividly recalls the facial expressions of the doctor during the ultrasound examination. There, the lump looked dark and suspicious.

She recovered from breast mass removal and surgery, where her doctor removed 11 lymph nodes in her breast, and six weeks later she started eight chemotherapy treatments. After that, radiation therapy continued daily for 6 weeks.

Geskie was cleared a year after chemotherapy when the harbor was removed.

“You get very close to your harbor — it’s almost like a pacifier, you don’t want to let it go,” she said.

Breast cancer was the most common cancer in the world in 2021 and accounts for 12% of new annual cancer cases worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.

With the exception of skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis in women in the United States, and invasive illnesses affect about 1 in 8 women, or 13%. The lifetime risk of breast cancer in men is about 1 in 833. Breast

Breast cancer mortality has been stable in women under the age of 50 since 2007, but has continued to decline in women over the age of 50, declining by 1% each year from 2013 to 2018. This decrease is due to advances in treatment and other factors. Screening and detection.

Gesky’s family, friends and colleagues provided her strong support, supported her through the fight against cancer and helped her win.

She also unleashed her greatest power from prayer and deep faith in God.

“My really great friends were more emotional about it than I was,” Gesky said. “I really felt I couldn’t be emotional, I had to concentrate and I really had to get this. I became emotional for the first time. After crying like a baby, I said “OK” and saw everything as a journey.

“I knew this would be a strange adventure,” she added. “I think I’ve taken on the role of a warrior, and said,” I can’t get this to me, I have to continue. ” I trusted the doctor clearly, read the information, and prepared myself. I told myself, “I must be a warrior.”

Even now, more than 20 years later, Geskie continues to be checked every year. She has three children and eight grandchildren.

“It’s always an idea, but I’m not worried,” she said. “I hope everything is okay. I still check myself.

“When you experience it, you have to have a very positive outlook,” she added. “If you see it as poisonous or scary, it stops you. I know someone else who is experiencing it now, and she is so positive and it’s great. It needs it. It is necessary’OK, I’m going to get up, I’m on this journey. Put on your boots, get your shield, get your sword, get ready to fight. “

Five cancer survivors declined to be interviewed for this story.

Resources and upcoming events

Columbia Memorial Health Women’s Health Centers in Hudson and Catskill offer a range of services including full-service breast care including 3D mammography, breast ultrasound, breast MRI, and breast biopsy for breast cancer screening and diagnosis. I have.

According to the American Breast Cancer Foundation, signs of breast cancer include lumps in the breast and flanks, changes in breast shape and size, changes in nipples and secretions, redness like orange skin, inflammation, and dents in the skin. There are changes and so on.

While the large annual events and rallies remain limited as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, several events will be scheduled in Twin County until the end of October to support breast cancer research and awareness. I am.

Spring Kelsey, owner of Salon 255 on Mansion Street in Coxsackie, highlights the success of the annual Pink Up the County 100-mile motorcycle and autorun on September 12 to raise funds for breast cancer awareness and research. Did.

The event featured brightly colored pink T-shirts that encouraged them to participate in the fight against breast cancer, as well as 50/50 raffles, auctions and door prizes.

A day’s event raised $ 2,500.

Pink Up County is the first phase of the county’s fundraising campaign for breast cancer awareness, which continues until October. Salon 255 stylists will donate pink hair dye, stripes, feathers, extensions and rock of love, and will carry out a raffle to add to the total donation until the end of the month.

The chicken barbecue will take place on October 7th at 255 Mansion St., Coxsackie, outside Salon 255. For ticket reservations or more information, please email Spring Kelsey (518-731-2559). Salon [email protected] Or send a message to the Salon 255 Facebook page.

The proceeds will be donated to the Patricia J. Brandow Foundation, which is supported by the Albany Medical Center.

More than 100 people typically attend the Brand Annual Endowed Lecture Series, which takes place each November at the Hilton Garden Inn Albany Medical Center in Albany.

This series, and other breast cancer education resources and research, are funded by Patricia J. Brandow Endowment, founded in 1994.

Another event to collect donations will be held at the end of the month.

Jim Stacy’s New Day Fitness in Columbia County will host an outdoor Zumba class and breast cancer fundraising activity on October 30th at Kinderhook’s 2532 Route 9H. At this event, food and craft vendors, indoor HIIT classes, gym open houses, and more.

All proceeds go to the Brandow Foundation, which is backed by the Albany Medical Center.

The owner, Stacy New Kirk, who grew up in Kinderhook, opened Stacy’s New Day Fitness on January 13th.

Kelsey launched the Pink Up The County and Pink Up the Town events more than 10 years ago in honor of her mother who developed breast cancer in 1986. She was treated at the Albany Medical Center.

“It’s something most people were impressed with,” she said. “They have a great time doing it in the salon — thanks to my staff I couldn’t do this without them. Great words and dedication, but our passion Is a lot of fun and it definitely makes a difference if we can support the patient’s recovery and treatment efforts. In every study, it helps us get much closer. “

The event has raised tens of thousands of dollars over the years, with a total of $ 12,500 in 2019.

Earnings from the annual Leorasher Memorial Catfish Derby will also be donated to a local fund to support breast cancer research.

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