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Inflammatory molecules “trapped” in microclots can be responsible for long COVID symptoms


A new study found that overloading of various inflammatory molecules that were literally “trapped” in an insoluble microscopic clot caused some of the protracted symptoms experienced by individuals with long COVID. Indicates that it may be.

This unexpected discovery came when Professor Resia Pretorius, a researcher at the Department of Physiology at Stellenbosch University (SU), began examining microclots and their molecular content in individual blood samples of long COVID. It was done. The findings were then peer-reviewed and published in the journal. Cardiovascular diabetology August 2021.

“High levels of various inflammatory molecules trapped in microclots present in the blood of individuals with long COVIDs were found. Some of the trapped molecules were fibrinogen and α (2) -antiplasmin. It contains coagulation proteins such as, “explains Professor Pretorius.

Alpha (2) -antiplasmin is a molecule that prevents the breakdown of blood clots, and fibrinogen is the major coagulation protein. Under normal conditions, the body’s plasmin-antiplasmin system prevents blood by coagulating blood (the process by which blood thickens and coagulates to prevent blood loss after injury) and fibrinolysis (which breaks down fibrin in the coagulated blood to prevent blood loss). Blood clots from formation) that maintain a delicate balance during the process).

High levels of alpha (2) -antiplasmin in the blood of COVID-19 patients and individuals suffering from long COVID significantly impair the body’s ability to break down blood clots.

Dr. Marevlock, a senior analyst at the Mass Spectrometry Unit at SU’s Central Analytical Facility, said that plasma samples from individuals with acute COVID and long COVID were diluted into tubes (a process called trypsin treatment).

He warned Professor Praetorius of this observation, and she investigated it further. The first study reported that they now use fluorescence microscopy and proteomics analysis to discover microclots in blood samples from individuals with long COVIDs, thereby solving yet another puzzle associated with the disease. It is a group.

“Of particular interest is the simultaneous presence of persistent, abnormal microclots and pathological fibrinolytic systems,” they wrote in a research treatise. This means that the balance of plasmin and antiplasmin may be central to the pathology of long COVID, and that COVID-19, and now long COVID, has significant cardiovascular and coagulation pathologies. Provides further evidence.

Further research is recommended for treatments to support coagulation and fibrinolytic function in individuals with prolonged COVID symptoms.

In collaboration with Dr. Jaco Laubscher, a vascular physician at Mediclinic Stellenbosch (co-author of the article), they are currently planning to perform the same analysis on more patient samples. To date, blood has been drawn from 100 LongCOVID individuals and 30 healthy individuals who participated in the LongCOVID Registry launched in May 2021. The study is funded by Long COVID Research Charitable Trust, a trust founded with the first donation by Koos Pretorius from EN Safrica. This trust is intended to be used as a means to raise additional funding for research into the causes and effective treatments of people suffering from long COVID.


Journal reference:

Praetorius, E. et al. (2021) Persistent coagulation protein pathology in long COVID / acute sequelae (PASC) of COVID-19 is accompanied by elevated levels of antiplasmin. Cardiovascular diabetology..





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