Want a better night’s sleep?Avoid intense training 2 hours before bedtime
- High-intensity exercise within 2 hours before bedtime can adversely affect sleep, according to a new study.
- Exercising early in the evening improves sleep quality.
- However, high intensity exercise also causes physiological changes that can delay drowsiness.
Moderate exercise is often recommended as a way to improve sleep, and high intensity exercise is not recommended.
However, there is much we do not know about the interaction between exercise and sleep quality.
To learn more about Link, researchers at Concordia University conducted an analysis of data from previous studies dealing with the effects of high-intensity exercise on sleep.
Overall, researchers found that exercise completed more than two hours before bedtime improved sleep quality. Participants fell asleep earlier and slept longer.
However, exercise performed near bedtime had a negative effect, causing people to fall asleep longer and sleep less.
To carry out study, The team reviewed the literature dealing with this topic in six major scientific databases.
They were able to identify a total of 15 trials involving 194 people.
Participants tended to sit down or were fit sleepers between the ages of 18 and 50.
Each study used objective measures such as polysomnography and actigraphy, or participants’ subjective judgment, to assess how high-intensity exercise affected people’s sleep.
The team then conducted an analysis of the data collected.
One of the prominent findings of their analysis was how exercise timing affected sleep.
People fell asleep earlier and slept longer when they finished exercising at least two hours before bedtime. This was especially true for those who tend to sit down.
However, the opposite happened if the exercise was completed within 2 hours of bedtime. People took a long time to fall asleep and didn’t sleep that long.
Researchers also found that exercise performed between 30 and 60 minutes also improved sleep onset and duration.
According to the team, cycling practice was most beneficial in helping people fall asleep and sleep deeply.
However, the study also notes that high-intensity exercise slightly reduces sleep rapid eye movement (REM) status, regardless of when it occurs. REM sleep is associated with dreaming. According to the authors of the study, some studies suggest that reduced REM sleep can adversely affect cognitive tasks.
Meanwhile, according to Tamara Hubatler, DPM, PhD, FACSM, Wayne State University School of Education Exercise and Sports Science Associate Professor High-intensity exercise provokes a strong sympathetic nervous system response called the “fight or flight” response.
A fight-or-flight response is a survival response that our bodies have in the face of real or perceived threats. It prepares to fight these threats or escape safely by raising heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate.
This same physiological response is triggered by strenuous exercise, leaving you ready for action rather than sleep.
Hugh Butler is generally believed that high-intensity exercise performed within about 3 hours of bedtime may interfere with sleep because it increases arousal, core body temperature, stress, and sympathetic hyperactivity. Said.
It can also cause a “phase delay” in the circadian rhythm, delaying the release of melatonin, the hormone that causes drowsiness at night, and can cause you to wake up late and wake up later.
Palm Ansari, MS, RDN, Registered Dietitian specializing in sports nutrition and National Media Spokesperson Academy of Nutrition and NutritionThe review said that if the evening of high intensity exercise was completed early in the evening, it could be beneficial to the quality of sleep at night.
However, as you approach the time to settle down at night, your sleep can be disturbed.
Regardless of what the study shows, Ansari suggests that you should adjust your exercise habits to your own individual body.
“I encourage readers to understand what works best for them, and the types and training times that support their sleep,” she said.
“There are research and research support recommendations for us, but it’s also important for each person to see what’s best for them, their energy, and their sleep quality.”
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