Distrust of authority, a key factor in low vaccination coverage in rural Maine
When the state reaches a milestone With 1 million mainners After receiving at least one COVID-19 vaccination, there remains a considerable gap between the state’s south coast and the interior of the region.
In Cumberland County, nearly 90% of qualified individuals were shot at least once as of Tuesday, by far the highest percentage of the 16 counties in Maine. In contrast, the incidence in Somerset County is the lowest, with only 64% of eligible residents receiving at least one dose, which is much lower than the incidence throughout the state and in the United States.
Residents have long talked about the “two mains” and the long-standing division in a state with nearly 500 municipalities, as Maine is trying to deal with the state’s worst health crisis in the first century. These divisions seem to exist like never before.
Residents of Somerset County were virtually unanimous, saying that opposition to what the government told them to do was an important factor in their desire not to be vaccinated.
Glenn Murray, 60, of Norridge Wok, who is vaccinated, said:
But 90 miles south, there was virtually no vaccine hesitation. Jill Carlton, 27, of Portland, who was walking his roommate’s dog on Congress Street, said no one knew who had not been vaccinated. Some people took longer to take shots than others, she said.
Carlton said he had been vaccinated “to stop the epidemic, both for himself and for others.”
Lisa Caswell, the pharmacy director of Skowhegan’s Redington Fairview General Hospital, was not surprised that Somerset was the last to be ranked in vaccination.
Many were eager to get vaccinated in early spring, according to Caswell, but the proportion has dropped sharply since then. Many have quoted false information about potential side effects. She also said it was clear that the political nature of the vaccine was some distance from the shot.
According to Caswell, Skowhegan Hospital has sent many public messages about vaccines, visited about 100 homes to vaccinate people, and held several pop-up clinics.
Still, 16,214 eligible residents in the county have not received a single shot. She said many of the unvaccinated people were young. In Somerset County, vaccination rates for ages 12-49 are only 50%, accounting for the majority of the county’s unvaccinated population. In Cumberland County, that percentage is 83 percent.
Many of these people have physical examinations and other types of medical care in hospitals, according to Caswell. She said these appointment vaccinations, as claimed by doctors, were clearly the best way to reach higher vaccination rates in the county.
“People who are convinced by the widespread public message are already convinced,” Caswell said. “I think it’s really one-on-one conversations that make a difference right now.”
Bangor Daily News Analysis of Penobscot County in June The level of town support for former President Donald Trump in the 2020 elections proved to be the strongest predictor of low immunization rates. This correlation also applies when looking at immunization rates across the county and Trump’s support. About 60% of Somerset County voted for Trump. This is the second highest rate in Maine after Piscataquis, with about 30% voting in Cumberland.
Randy Libby, 32, who has a “Trump 2024” decal on the front of the car, was vaccinated against Trump. Recommended Others get the shot.
However, Libby, who was interviewed outside the Skowhegan workplace, has not been vaccinated. He does not feel that the available vaccines have been thoroughly tested. He said the pandemic had passed without being infected with the virus.
“I usually keep a distance and wash my hands,” Libby said. “Others haven’t changed much. I’m just alive.”
Calling Maine’s vaccine inequality “terrible,” Portland’s Joe Watson, 77, said political differences seemed to be the most important factor in the individual decisions of unvaccinated people. ..
Mr. Trump did not do enough to recommend vaccination to his followers, he said.Former president chose vaccination Personally As president, he made him the only living or ex-president who couldn’t be shot by the camera.
“I think it resonated with people,” Watson said.
Skowhegan’s Greg Door, 66, said the idea of ​​southern Maine was fundamentally different from the rest of the state.
“People in the south of Augusta have a different attitude than those in the north,” Dore said.
Dore, who recently retired from his long-standing role as a Skowhegan road commissioner, has been vaccinated, but none of his five sons said he wanted to be shot. He believes that vaccine hesitation really results in education.
David Ellis, 62, who lives in Augusta but runs a pottery business in the town of Somerset County in Mercer, said the difference in vaccination rates reflects the existing sector of the state, not a new sector. He said he felt.
“I think it’s a division of choice,” said Ellis, who said it was an obvious decision for him to be vaccinated. “People are making decisions. They’re going to draw a line in the sand, and this is where it is.”
Some mainners, including Anson’s Larry McHugh (66) and Saco’s Joe Bennett (49), said it made more sense to be vaccinated in Cumberland vs. Somerset County, saying the population He said it was dense and much more common. of-A statistician who may bring in viruses.
Population density is one of many important differences between the two counties. Cumberland is 28 times more densely populated than Somerset, has a median household income of $ 32,000, and a poverty rate of almost one-third.
Still, the strongest gap between the two counties may be in college education. More than half of Cumberland’s people over the age of 25 have a college degree, but only 17 percent in Somerset.Many data show that many people have a college degree More likely To get vaccinated.
Alexis Toss, 27, of Madison, who was shopping at Wal-Mart in Skowhegan on Tuesday, didn’t want to be vaccinated, but was able to continue working in the medical field. It upset her that she had to get the vaccine she didn’t want.
She said she wanted it to be a personal decision, not a mission like Governor Janet Mills or President Joe Biden.
“If I couldn’t get a shot, I would lose my job,” Toss said.
A 24-year-old Smithfield woman who also worked in the medical field felt the same way. She was pregnant and didn’t want to be shot. Last week, director Nirav Shah of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the most common reason for vaccine controversy was fear of childbirth.
However, the woman said the opposition to the vaccine in Somerset County was likely to result from a lack of education and opposition to being told what to do, after talking to medical professionals. Said he realized that there was no evidence that he could hurt her or her baby.
“Getting a COVID can be more harmful to me and my baby than getting a vaccine,” said a woman who spoke on anonymous terms to prevent repulsion. “There is an unknown risk, but from what I read and studied, it’s pretty safe.”
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