How old is the highest risk of cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer Abnormal cell proliferation that begins in the cervix (the opening between the uterus and vagina).
Cervical cancer is a particular type of cancer Human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus can spread through sexual activity and skin-to-skin contact.
In most cases, HPV infections disappear spontaneously without causing any problems. However, the virus can later cause cancer.
according to
This article explains How Common Cervical Cancer Different ages. Learn how to prevent getting infected with the virus that causes cervical cancer.
According to the data reported by
It is possible to develop cervical cancer in the 20s, but it is not common. This is because it can take years for cervical cancer cells to develop.
according to
Cervical cancer can be diagnosed as early as 20 or over 60 years of age, but most often between the ages of 35 and 44.
Without regular screening, older women will not detect cervical cancer and are at increased risk of worsening outcomes.
According to the National Cancer Institute, the most common cervical cancers in the United States over the age of 65 are:
About the same percentage of Hispanic women are vaccinated against HPV, but other health inequalities may prevent vaccination of Hispanic women. Regular screening Or early treatment.
The incidence of new cervical cancer in black women and white women under the age of 50 is now about the same.
The HPV virus is so common that it is difficult to completely eliminate the risk of developing HPV or cervical cancer.
However, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and mitigate risk. Let’s take a closer look at these factors.
Get the vaccine
Gardasil 9 Is the only
- HPV 16 and 18 cause nearly 70% of cervical cancers
- HPV 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58 cause 10 to 20 percent of cervical cancer
The other two vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, are available in other parts of the world. They protect against HPV types 16 and 18 which cause the majority of cases of cervical cancer.
Unless there are special circumstances, vaccines are not always recommended for people between the ages of 27 and 45. This is because many people in this age group are already infected with the HPV virus.
Get regular screening
There are two types of tests to consider.Initially Pap testDetects pre-cancerous and cancerous cells. The earlier the cervical cancer is detected, the easier it is to treat.
The second is HPV inspection It can detect the presence of HPV in your cervical cells. This test may be able to detect HPV infection in the cervix before the development of precancerous cells.
The HPV test can be done alone (primary HPV test) or at the same time as the Papanicolaou smear (joint test). The collaborative test seems to be no different from a regular Papanicolaou smear. The collected cells are tested for both HPV and abnormal cell changes.
For women over the age of 65, the decision to continue screening for cervical cancer depends on individual risk factors and medical history.
Women who have undergone regular screening over the last 10 years, have normal results, and have no history of abnormal cells can usually discontinue screening.
Use a condom
Using condoms during vaginal sexual intercourse does not guarantee that you will not be infected with HPV. This is because skin-to-skin contact involving parts of the body that are not protected by condoms can spread the virus. For example, you can get HPV through other sexual activities such as oral sex and anal sex.
However, using condoms reduces the risk of HPV infection. HPV is so common that even if you have sex with only one person, you can be exposed to the virus.
Quit smoking
If you are worried about cervical cancer, we recommend that you consider it no smoking.. Talk to your doctor about the safest way to quit smoking and how to create a successful smoking cessation plan.
Other risk factors
- HPV and childbirth of 7 or more
- Oral contraceptives used for over 5 years
- Had more than 6 sexual partners
- HIV infection
- Taking medications used to prevent organ rejection after organ transplantation
5-year survival rate for cervical cancer is about
The good news is: The 5-year survival rate for early-diagnosed patients jumps to nearly 92%, while cancer cells are confined to the cervix.
Therefore, it is important to perform regular screening so that doctors can detect and treat cancer early.
Cervical cancer rarely develops in the twenties because it takes years to grow. Most cases are diagnosed between the ages of 35 and 44. About 20% of cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed in women over the age of 65.
HPV vaccine can be given to reduce the risk of cervical cancer. It is also important to have regular cervical cancer screenings that can monitor for signs of developing cervical cancer. Early detection usually means that treatment and survival are likely to be successful.
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