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COVID-19 in Ottawa: What’s New in COVID-19 in Ottawa on Monday, October 11th

COVID-19 in Ottawa: What’s New in COVID-19 in Ottawa on Monday, October 11th


Ottawa-Good morning. Here is the latest news about the impact on COVID-19 and Ottawa.

Fast facts:

  • Active COVID-19 cases reported in 53 schools in Ottawa

  • Increasing cases of COVID-19 and decreasing hospitalization in Ottawa on Thanksgiving Sunday

  • The federal government says Canadians should expect a vaccine passport for their “next few months” trip

COVID-19 by Ottawa figures (Ottawa public health data):

  • New COVID-19 Cases: 58 on Sunday
  • Total of COVID-19 cases: 30,289
  • COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people (past 7 days): 28.0
  • Ottawa Positive Rate: 1.7% (7-day average)
  • Number of reproductions: 0.96 (7-day average)


Who should take the test?

Ottawa Public Health states that you can take the COVID-19 test at an assessment center, care clinic, or community testing site if any of the following are true:

  • You are showing symptoms of COVID-19.

  • You have been exposed to confirmed virus cases by notification from Ottawa Public Health or by contact notification via the COVID Alert app.

  • You live or work in an environment with an outbreak of COVID-19, identified and notified by Ottawa Public Health.

  • You are a resident, worker, or caregiver, a visitor to a retired home, homeless shelter, or other housing complex (eg, a group home, community-backed life, a disability-specific community or collective). Settings, short-term rehabilitation, homelessness and other shelters);

  • You are a person identified as an indigenous person, an Inuit, or a Metis.

  • You are a person traveling to work in a remote indigenous, Inuit, or Metis community.

  • Through rapid testing, we received preliminary positive results.

  • You are the escort of one of them traveling abroad for patient and / or treatment.

  • You are a farm worker.

  • You are an educator who does not have access to pharmacy tests.Also

  • You belong to a targeted testing group, as outlined in the guidance from a medical officer.

Caregivers, caregivers, volunteers, and visitors who are fully immune to COVID-19 do not have to be negative on the COVID-19 test before entering or visiting a care facility.

Where to be tested for COVID-19 in Ottawa:

Ottawa has several sites for COVID-19 testing. To make a reservation, please visit:

  • Temporary pop-up test at McNab Arena on Percy Street COVID-19 Rating: Open Mondays from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm

  • Brewer Ottawa Hospital / CHEO Assessment Center: Open Mondays from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm

  • COVID-19 Drive-Through Assessment Center (300 Coventry Road): Open Mondays from 10am to 5:30 pm

  • North Glenn Building COVID-19 Assessment Center (Keptville) – 15 Campus Drive: Open Monday 9 am-1pm

  • Moody Care and Test Center: Thanksgiving on Mondays from 8am to 3:30 pm

  • Rayfriel Care and Test Center: Thanksgiving on Mondays from 9am to 1pm

COVID-19 Screening Tool:

COVID-19 screening tool for schools in Ottawa and eastern Ontario. All students, teachers and school staff COVID-19 School Screening Tool Daily..


Classic symptoms: Fever, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath

Other symptoms: Sore throat, difficulty swallowing, loss of new taste or odor, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, pneumonia, new or unexplained runny nose or stuffy nose

Less common symptoms: Unexplained malaise, muscle aches, headaches, delirium, chills, red / inflamed eyes, croup

Outbreaks of COVID-19 were declared at five Ottawa schools during the long Thanksgiving weekend.

Ottawa Public Health reported on Sunday that the outbreak had ended at Ottawa’s next school.

  • Callus at Rido Public School

  • Jeanne-Sauvé Public Elementary School

  • Notre Dame Deschamps Catholic Elementary School

  • Vincent Massey Public School

  • Odyssey Public Elementary School

As of Friday, four Ottawa school boards reported 127 active cases of COVID-19 involving students and staff. There are active cases in 53 schools in Ottawa.

Class room

Ottawa Public Health reports the largest increase in new cases of COVID-19 in a week, but hospitalizations associated with coronavirus and ICU continue to decline.

There were 58 new cases of COVID-19 in Ottawa on Sunday, with no new virus-related deaths.

Since the first case of COVID-19 in Ottawa in March 2020, there have been cases confirmed by 30,289 COVID-19 tests, including 598 deaths.

Currently, there are four COVID-19-related illness hospitals, down from six on Saturday.

The federal government hopes that the only evidence of a vaccination system for international travel will be operational “in the coming months.”

Secretary of State Dominique LeBlanc said during a CTV question period on Sunday that the government is still aiming for an autumn timeline to implement the new system.

In August, the government announced that it would work with states and territories to develop a “pan-Canada approach” to vaccination passports that would facilitate cross-border travel.

Air travel covid-19





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