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Canadian Organ Transplant Group Considering COVID-19 Vaccine Policy for Recipients-National

Canadian Organ Transplant Group Considering COVID-19 Vaccine Policy for Recipients-National


The Transplant Center in Western Canada Need an organ receiver Fully vaccinated COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection), But they say a conversation about such a policy is underway.

Several centers in other parts of the country, including Ontario, require proof of vaccination before patients are approved for life-saving surgery.

BC Transplant in Vancouver said COVID-19 vaccination does not require a transplant qualification, but state programs are actively considering it.

“The transplant program strongly encourages all pre-transplant patients to be vaccinated with COVID-19, as well as many other vaccine-preventable infections,” officials said in a statement. increase.

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Clarity from Saskatchewan patients, health authorities awaiting life-saving surgery

Similarly, Alberta Health Services has long required Canadian press to have all vaccines to help patients preparing for a transplant maximize their chances of success after the transplant. He said it had been done. However, keep in mind that this is only a practical guideline at this time.

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Saskatchewan hasn’t made any changes either.

“The Saskatchewan Organ Transplant Team is strongly supporting all COVID vaccinated recipients and donors,” said Lisa Thomson, a spokeswoman for the Saskatchewan Department of Health, in a statement. There is a lively debate on the issue of requiring recipients to be vaccinated with these vaccinations. “

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The woman refused an organ transplant because she was not vaccinated

The woman refused an organ transplant because she was not vaccinated

The Ajmera Transplant Center at the University Health Network in Toronto recently implements a policy requiring patients who may benefit from a transplant to be fully vaccinated with COVID-19 before being listed for solid organ transplants. Announced the decision.

However, you may be exempt for medical reasons or for urgent need for a transplant.

“We all recognize that (COVID-19) is a huge and huge risk factor to protect patients, protect each other, and show loyalty and respect to their organ donors. The wise and ethical thing to do is to demand that this (policy) come at the cost of pass-and-go, “UHN President and CEO Kevin Smith said in an interview.

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According to the organization, the decision to develop a policy is based on several factors.

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Organ transplant patients in limbo, such as Saskatchewan Alberta, delay surgery amid a surge in COVID-19

The transplant patient said he was in a severe immunodeficiency state due to lifelong treatment to prevent rejection of new organs. If an immunocompromised person is infected with COVID-19, the risk of hospitalization and ventilation is very high.

Unvaccinated recipients can also pose a risk to other patients after surgery. Transplant recipients have high post-transplant health needs and need to visit hospitals frequently. If infected, these individuals may be at increased risk of spreading the disease to other immunocompromised patients in inpatients or outpatients.

“Thinking about what happens in such an environment would be just a slaughter,” Smith said.

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4-Week “Circuit Breaker” Limits Announced in Most Northern British Columbia

4-Week “Circuit Breaker” Limits Announced in Most Northern British Columbia

Infectious disease experts have pointed out that this type of policy is not new.

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“There are pre-transplant requirements to qualify for listing,” said Dr. Dima Kabbani, an assistant professor of infectious diseases at the University of Alberta.

Cavani added that pre-transplant vaccine recommendations have already been implemented for hepatitis B, pneumococcal infections, and influenza.

Manitoba’s Shared Health stated that Manitoba people awaiting transplantation do not need to be vaccinated with COVID-19, but patients must provide evidence of vaccination if there are requirements elsewhere. There may be. Kidney transplants are done in the state, and all other organ transplants are done in other states.

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Women’s Kidney Surgery in Saskatchewan Delayed Due to COVID-19

35-year-old Jessica Bailey suffers from stage 5 kidney disease and is awaiting a transplant in Saskatoon.

The government has postponed surgery as the state is addressing the catastrophic fourth wave of COVID-19.

Bailey said he was not in favor of requiring recipients to be vaccinated with COVID-19. She said she was double vaccinated, but believes that the recipient should be able to choose whether or not she wants the vaccine.

She encourages patients who may be on the fence to see the big picture.

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“If you can get a transplant just by vaccination, go and do it. Choose a fight,” Bailey said.

© 2021 The Canadian Press





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