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HSE cyberattacks “especially had a devastating effect on the continuity of cancer services,” said the HSE director.

HSE cyberattacks “especially had a devastating effect on the continuity of cancer services,” said the HSE director.


The HSE cyberattack had a particularly devastating effect on the continuity of cancer services and was a very difficult time for patients, their families, and those who provide their care, the Oireachtas Health Commission reported today. Was done.

Professor RisteárdÓ Laoide, Head of Cancer Control at HSE, said the service continues to function through these challenges through an innovative approach through the ongoing efforts of the cancer services team.

They include additional evening and weekend clinics, extended working days, refitting of mobile screening units, pioneering changes to radiation therapy fractions, virtual clinics, insourcing and outsourcing, and safe. Includes rapid development of clinical guidelines to support care.

He told the members: “It goes without saying that the last 18 months have been a particularly difficult time for people living with cancer, and the Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on our ability to provide cancer services.

“But it’s important to note that the symptomatic breast cancer clinic continued throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, resources that were diverted from a temporarily suspended screening service to a symptomatic service during this time. Through this, symptomatic breast services have been significantly enhanced, which has enabled us to quickly see, diagnose and treat patients at urgent risk. “

Approximately 3,500 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year. The National Cancer Registry predicts that this will rise to 4,650 by 2045. One in seven Irish women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. For each of these women, their diagnosis brings anxious and uncertain times to them and their families.

The incidence of breast cancer increased by about 2% annually between 1994 and 2008, but this has been flat since then, partly due to improved detection levels.

“But importantly, breast cancer mortality is consistently declining, declining by about 2% each year from 1994 to 2016, supported by early diagnosis and improved treatment.” Ó Laoide said.

He said pathways have been developed for the assessment and management of patients at family risk of breast cancer, including surveillance recommendations.

The majority of breast cancers are diagnosed through a symptomatic breast cancer clinic.

Approximately 42,000 women are referred by the GP to symptomatic breast clinics each year in Ireland. About half of these are triaged as urgent referrals. Approximately 2,500 to 3,000 women referred to these clinics are subsequently diagnosed with breast cancer. Women triaged as urgent have a cancer diagnosis rate of 10%, and women triaged as non-urgent have a cancer diagnosis rate of less than 1%.

Most women with breast cancer are treated with surgery, radiation therapy, systemic anticancer therapy, or a combination of these.

About 85% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have surgery and more than 70% have radiation therapy. The role of systemic anticancer therapy has expanded rapidly over the past decade, and since 2012, nine new systemic therapies for breast cancer have been funded and other therapies are being considered.

Advances in genetic and molecular testing are driving more targeted treatment of patients. In addition, clinical trials transform research findings and knowledge into new ways to treat patients.

Almost one-quarter of people living with or beyond cancer in Ireland are diagnosed with breast cancer. Because the cancer strategy focuses specifically on quality of life, targeted investments are being made in psycho-oncology services and other support.




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