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Covid Scotland: Half of 12 to 15 years old receive the first dose of the vaccine

Covid Scotland: Half of 12 to 15 years old receive the first dose of the vaccine
Covid Scotland: Half of 12 to 15 years old receive the first dose of the vaccine


Half of young teenagers Scotland The new numbers show the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

The milestone begins when a new campaign is underway in the UK to boost the support of people aged 12 to 15 who are only jabbed by one in five.

According to government statistics, an estimated 50.2% of Scottish teens received their first dose as of October 21st.

In some areas, this figure is close to two-thirds, accounting for 66.0% in Aberdeenshire and 63.8% in Perth & Kinros.

In contrast, uptake in the UK between the ages of 12 and 15 is currently only 18.9%.

(PA graphics)

According to an analysis by PA News Agency, only seven of England’s 149 municipal governments give jabs to at least one-third of young teens.

Take-up is highest in Berkshire’s Wokingham (43.2%), followed by Oxfordshire (35.5%) and Warrington (35.4%).

There are 24 areas with occupancy still below 10%, with Barking & Dagenham (5.4%), Newham (6.2%) and Waltham Forest (6.4%) at the bottom of the list. ..

The vaccine has been available to children aged 12 to 15 years in Scotland since September 20, and is mainly available in stop-by clinics and other areas.

Deployment in the UK also began on September 20, but so far it has been delivered primarily at schools.

However, this is currently changing, and parents can book vaccinations online for children aged 12 to 15 years from the end of Friday on the local site.

Healthy coronavirus(PA graphics)

Dr. Nikki Kanani, Deputy Leader of NHS England Vaccine Deployment, said:

“If you’re already vaccinated or invited by the school, you don’t need to do anything.

“I would like to encourage my family to look at the information together and then make a reservation to give their children and their loved ones important protection before the winter.”

This change follows a call from the head teachers’ union to deliver more jabs outside of school.

Jeff Burton, secretary-general of the School and University Leaders Association (ASCL), said vaccine deployment was “painfully slow” in some areas and was “opposition to vaccination.”

He added: “The announcement from NHS England that young people can attend the vaccination drop-in center during the half-year vacation is a great help and we hope to attend in sufficient numbers to delay the spread of the virus in schools. . ”

Infections in the United Kingdom may also be affected by the level of infection that is prevalent in the community.

Herald Scotland:

If the Covid-19 test is positive, if you are waiting for a coronavirus test result, or if you have been self-quarantined within 4 weeks, the first dose of the vaccine cannot be delivered to anyone.

Office for National Statistics estimates that about 7.8% of UK children in grades 7-11 could test positive for Covid-19 in the week leading up to October 16.

However, the overall prevalence of Covid-19 in the UK has risen to 1 in 55 in private households, close to the level seen at the peak of the second wave of the virus, but in Scotland, Estimates have fallen for several weeks and are now 1 in 90.

Meanwhile, nearly one-third (32.5%) of Wales’ 12-15 year olds received their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine as of October 21st. health Wales.

Local intake figures are available until October 17, in the only region where Neath Port Talbot is less than 10% (8.2%) of young teens taking a single dose in Wales. Indicates that there is.

From Denbighshire (17.9%) to Rhondda Cynon Tough (54.0%), all other municipalities now exceed 10%.

The NHS Wales began the first dose of the vaccine on children aged 12 to 15 years from October 4th.

Most vaccines are given at vaccination centers and a few are given at schools.

In Northern Ireland, children aged 12 to 15 are vaccinated at school, but intake levels have not yet been released.




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