Coronavirus: Nurse Creates Baby Registration for Late Patients
Eric Robison never runs out of words to describe his wife.
Her smile, laughter, constant stupidity, the face she made when she was in a bad mood, the kindness she bought from him, felt like a house.
The loss of her stopped the world on its path, he says. It’s as if the road they were walking on stopped at a dead end and the future couldn’t be seen.
Emily Robison on September 20th COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection)After fighting to survive for over a month. Just three weeks before her death, she gave birth to her first child, a girl named Carmen after her great-grandmother.
“I thought something was wrong that night,” Robinson told CNN, referring to the last time. “I could feel it in my chest. I felt Emily was farther away from me than before. In my heart, she felt too unmanageable. rice field.”
“Even if she was in the hospital, I always felt she was there and hugging me, but at that moment I knew she was slipping down.”
When he was calling the hospital over the phone, he received the call at the same moment, Robison said, his wife’s heart stopped, the hospital told him. Within 46 minutes, Emily died, leaving her loved ones, including her husband and her baby.
“After that, I was just a lost soul,” Robison said.
Currently, Singlefather is preparing to embark on his father’s journey alone in mourning the loss of his soulmate, but Robison has no idea what to do.
But one nurse had his back-hearing his story and hundreds of strangers who sent baby supplies, materials, gifts and donations to help him through the tragedy. ..
Helping hand when urgently needed
Ashley Schwartz remembers the first time he saw Robison.
He was sitting in front of his wife’s room, separated by a glass door, and only saw her “very clearly broken heart,” Schwartz said.
An ICU nurse at Mercy Hospital in Fort Smith, Arkansas, who has worked for 10 years, learned that the wife of a 22-year-old pregnant woman, Robison, was intubated and put to life.
“The image is forever engraved on my head. He was just staring vaguely. It literally shattered my heart,” she told CNN.
“Especially as an ICU nurse, the reality of life with this virus is the story of a patient who is very likely to one day be our own story,” this is staring at my husband’s room. What if I was sitting in this chair? “
The couple was not vaccinated for False information that vaccines cause problems for pregnant women It can hurt your baby.
According to, pregnant people who develop COVID-19 symptoms are at risk for emergency complications and other problems associated with pregnancy. Two new studies.. And pregnancy alone puts people at increased risk of serious illness and death.
However, despite the risks, pregnant people are still some of the most vaccinated people in the United States, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
When Robison got the virus from the person he worked with, he noticed that he felt better in a few days while Emily’s health deteriorated rapidly. According to Robison, she was hospitalized for COVID-19 pneumonia on August 15, and was put to life support three days later.
“Before they put her on the ventilator, I told her I love her more than anything else in the world,” he said. “I told her what I shouldn’t have, I promised she would come back to me. She whispered that she loved me, and that’s what I said she loved me It was the last time I talked to him. “
On August 25, Emily’s condition deteriorated and the delivery nurse had a hard time getting the baby’s heart rate.
That day, Carmen Robison was born with an emergency caesarean section of premature birth for nearly two months.
After discovering that a baby was born, Schwartz Facebook post Ask your colleagues and friends if they want to buy a gift for their new parent.
“I called Eric and asked if he and Emily had a baby register, but he didn’t know what the register was. He had it for Carmen. Said that he had only clothes. It is his responsibility to make sure that this baby has everything he needs. “
“I could imagine Emily being in the hospital for months, having nothing for Carmen, then asking herself,” Why didn’t someone help me? “And then going home. It was just. “
Nurses create baby registries on Amazon, Babylist, and Target, GoFundMe For families who have raised over $ 16,000 so far.
Almost all the gifts in the registry were purchased, mailed to my family and the gifts arrived. More than 200 people donated to gifts and more than 300 people donated to GoFundMe.
“I never imagined that gifts would start flowing from Arkansas and other countries,” Robison said. “It’s bittersweet because Emily is still alive and wants to see it, but not having to worry about Carmen taking care of it is one less thing I have to worry about right now. “
Baby Carmen will return home with her father on Monday after spending two months in the hospital due to a problem with her feeding reflex, a common problem with many premature babies.
“I can’t give me money, but I’m very grateful to everyone who helped me, even those who sent me a message that I would pray for me. That’s enough for me. It’s perfect, “Robison said. “I know I see Emily crying happily now. She always wanted to be a mom.”
Schwartz, with the permission of Robison, created two photographs of Emily’s handprint. When Carmen leaves the hospital, her bill is placed on Emily.
“She will have her mom’s souvenir forever,” Schwartz said.
“If we take it seriously, she will still be here.”
Saturday will be the 4th anniversary of Emily and Robison’s marriage and the 3rd year since their marriage.
The couple met on Facebook, where they immediately connected and called for hours every day. Within a month, they moved together and became inseparable.
I got married in October 2018. His dream of finding his eternal man has come true, he said, and he never planned to let her go.
“She was like Jim Carrey, a woman. She’s very stupid and very cute,” Robison said. “Where I was with her, I was at home. That’s the way I always felt with her, even when we hit the bottom of the rock.”
When Robison closes his eyes, he can only hear the hospital intercom ringing “Code Blue Room 22” over and over again the moment before he lost his wife. Code Blue is a hospital emergency code.
“The sound of the heart monitor as they push her back and try to bring her back has been played in my nightmares every night ever since,” he said.
“I had to be in Covid’s gear to see her after she died because she was so ill, but that prevented me from kissing her. I care. I didn’t. The moment they closed the curtain, I stripped off my face mask and kissed her. She said I loved her and was sorry I didn’t work harder. “
Now, Robison hopes they have been vaccinated. He wants to send a message to everyone who hasn’t been vaccinated yet.
“Sit there, look at my wife, die in bed, hold my hand, see the color coming out of my face, it’s a different pain than I felt in my life,” he said. “Get vaccinated. It’s very serious. If we take it seriously, she will still be here.”
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