The study is investigating the association between alcohol consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer in women
Dr. Nisha Unni is a Breast Cancer Specialist at Parkland Health and Hospital Systems and an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at the UT Southwestern Medical Center.
She talked to KERA’s Sam Baker about the relationship between alcohol and breast cancer.
Interview highlights
What does alcohol have to do with breast cancer?
Alcohol is a general term used for ethanol or ethyl alcohol, which are chemicals found in alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, and distilled liquor.
The exact mechanism by which alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer is not completely known, but there are various hypotheses.
The most common is that ethanol is metabolized or broken down into a substance called Acetaldehyde It is a carcinogen. It is a substance that causes cancer by damaging the genetic material of breast cancer and DNA, which is a protein.
Alcohol also increases blood levels estrogen, A sex hormone. This is associated with an increased risk of estrogen receptor-positive or hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. This is the most common type of breast cancer we see.
Another theory is that alcohol impairs the body’s ability to break down or absorb various nutrients like folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin D, and all these good things.
Alcohol also provides many empty calories that can cause weight gain, which has been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer.
What is the risk of breast cancer alcohol?
Data from more than 100 observational studies show that even light drinkers (women who drink less than one drink a day) have a slightly higher risk of developing breast cancer than non-drinkers, about 5%. It shows that.
Therefore, an average of one drink per day for women increases the risk of breast cancer by 7-14%. For 2-3 cups a day, this risk can be up to 25%, which is a large number.
In the United States, one in eight women develops breast cancer for life, which is a large number in itself. And alcohol increases this risk.
However US Dietary Guidelines Say it’s okay for women to drink one cup a day.
That is what is generally recommended. The safest option is not to drink or abstinence at all times, but it is not always practical.
The next best thing is to limit or minimize alcohol intake as much as possible. Intermittent social use of alcohol is okay, but it is high because studies have shown that heavy drinking is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer compared to stable drinkers. It also does not mean that you need to drink alcohol.
Do other factors determine if alcohol can affect breast cancer?
Nothing causes or causes breast cancer. It’s a multifactorial reason, and there are immutable risk factors that we can’t change, such as being female, our age, family history, and genetics. And there are changeable risk factors that you can change or control, such as diet, exercise, and alcohol consumption.
Do healthcare professionals often discuss alcohol and breast cancer with patients?
I insist no. We always ask about smoking on every visit, but there should be more awareness among women about the potential risk of alcohol use and the increased association with breast cancer.
And i saw Some social media campaigns It came up with this topic in mind, and I argue that it is not enough. More awareness and education is needed.
Alcohol and Breast Cancer Risk: What You Need to Know
Alcohol Intake and Breast Cancer Risk: Comparison of Overall Evidence
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