In the United States and around the world
HIV is a major public health problem in the world. It is the virus that causes AIDS.
AIDS-related conditions are killing more 36 million People all over the world. Globally, the infection rate in 2020 was 37.7 million. Infection rates are high in some parts of the world. Most people infected with HIV live in low- and middle-income countries.
Global efforts to reduce HIV transmission and improve access to HIV treatment are necessary steps in controlling the epidemic.
Continue reading to learn about HIV and AIDS statistics from the United States and other countries around the world.
In 2020
The World Health Organization (WHO) groups the country into six regions. The countries most affected by HIV are in the WHO Africa region, especially in the eastern and southern parts of the continent. More than two-thirds of people living with HIV are in the WHO Africa region.
HIV prevalence is highest in countries in the eastern and southern parts of Africa. The African Continent continues to show the highest infection rates, but the infection rates are declining.
In other parts of the world, infection rates are generally low. However, Journal of Virus Eradication Note that new HIV infections are on the rise:
- Eastern Europe
- Middle East
- North africa
- Central Asia
- Central Europe
More resources and interventions will help control the ongoing HIV epidemic in these areas.
Almost at the end of 2019
HIV diagnoses are not evenly distributed throughout the states of the United States. In 2018
The following table shows
The regions with the second highest infection rates are dependent regions in the United States. The regions with the highest rates are Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
In each region of the United States, most people living with HIV live in urban areas. For example, in the northeast, 92% of diagnoses are in urban people.
The following table shows the number of people living with HIV in HIV-infected countries. Highest rate WHO Percentage of infections in Africa. This is the region with the highest overall infection rate.
Other areas with high infection rates are:
- 1.7 million people living with HIV in West Africa and Central Africa, including Nigeria
- 2.3 million people living with HIV in the Asia-Pacific region, including India
- Western Europe and Central Europe, Cyprus and Romania
- North America, including the United States, estimated
1,189,000 People infected with HIV - Latin America and the Caribbean,
1,900,000 People infected with HIV
New HIV prevalence has declined in recent years.The world saw 52% New HIV infections have declined since the epidemic peaked in 1997. In 1997, 3 million people reported new HIV infections, but only 2.1 million in 2010 and 1.5 million in 2020.
This is because people in resource-poor countries are now significantly improving their access to HIV treatment. Preventing vertical transmission of HIV, which indicates the time when the infection is transferred from the parent who gave birth to the foetation, also contributes to the reduction of the infection rate. In addition, the medical community has added new HIV prevention tools and methods.
However, the unequal distribution of HIV treatment and prevention strategies still leaves many vulnerable people behind. Key barriers to improving access to care include stigma, discrimination, social inequality, and exclusion.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people infected with or at risk of HIV were unable to receive prevention, care, and treatment. The pandemic has caused great disruption to the distribution of medical services in many countries.Some countries 75% HIV service interruption.
According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS, UNAIDS, the benefits of providing HIV services outweigh the risk of dying from COVID-19.
HIV spreads through contact with body fluids of people infected with the virus. The body fluids that carry HIV are:
- blood
- Breast milk
- semen
- Vaginal discharge
HIV can also be transmitted to the foetation from parents who gave birth during pregnancy and childbirth.
You cannot be infected with HIV by the following methods.
- kiss
- hug
- Handshake
- Share food and drink
HIV patients who are receiving antiretroviral therapy and whose virus is suppressed cannot be infected with the virus. This is because treatment reduces the growth of viruses in the body and strengthens the immune system.
In 2020, WHO reported:
Another important issue with infection is people who are unaware that they are infected with HIV. About in 2020 6.1 million People infected with HIV were unaware that they were infected with the virus. These individuals may have unknowingly transmitted HIV to others.
HIV testing has been suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions. As a result, many countries have reported reduced diagnoses and referrals for HIV treatment. Experts suggest that these events may lead to more HIV-related deaths and an increase in HIV infection.
Although the incidence of HIV and AIDS is improving, infection rates are on the rise in some vulnerable areas, such as Central Europe.
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted medical services in many countries, which may have increased HIV-related mortality and infection rates.
Making additional efforts and resuming HIV services will help reduce infections and mortality.
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