Almost 1 in 4 people with COVID-19 will have a cognitive effect later
- New research published in JAMA Friday found it
24 percent The percentage of participants who recovered from COVID-19 had a cognitive effect. - People hospitalized with COVID-19 were more likely to develop cognitive effects.
- Researchers also say that previous studies have found that older people are more susceptible to cognitive impairment after becoming severely ill with COVID-19.
Many people who have recovered from COVID-19 continue to experience debilitating cognitive effects such as brain fog and memory and attention problems.
Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 or treated in the emergency room were more likely to develop cognitive effects than those diagnosed with COVID-19 treated outpatiently.
Inpatients were 2.8 times more likely to be less alert than outpatients.
Researchers also say that previous studies have found that older people are more susceptible to cognitive impairment after becoming severely ill with COVID-19.
according to Dr. F. Perry WilsonMany studies, doctors of Yale medicine and researchers at Yale University School of Medicine, have shown a link between COVID-19 and long-term neurological deficiencies, but scientists still say this. I’m learning why it happens.
There are several theories under investigation, Wilson said.
One is widespread inflammation COVID-19 is caused by the brain and body, the other is
“The exact mechanism has not been elucidated, but COVID-19 appears to be effective through the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself and the inflammation that the infection causes in the body.” Dr. Lilon SinvaniA hospitalist at the Feinstein Institutes of Medicine in Manhasset, NY-a geriatrician said.
There is an established link between severe illness and cognitive impairment.
“If you look at studies of individuals who enter the ICU for any reason, about 66% or two-thirds will assess some form of cognitive impairment months after their stay in the ICU,” Wilson said. increase.
According to Wilson, serious illnesses themselves appear to cause cognitive effects from inflammation, blood pressure shifts in serious illnesses that can damage the brain, and side effects from medications given at ICU level care.
Most studies of the cognitive effects of other viral infections focus on critically ill patients.
Severe cases of influenza can have catastrophic cognitive effects, but it is not clear whether mild cases also cause cognitive impairment.
“Whether COVID-19 is unique in its patio physiology, or whether it is just a serious illness, is still an open question,” Wilson said.
Increasing evidence suggests that COVID-19 is a unique neurotoxin that can have a direct effect on the brain, but it is not yet definitive.
“While other infections can lead to what is called cognitive impairment or’brain fog’, COVID-19 seems to be particularly influential in cognitive impairment,” said Sinvani.
According to Simbani, vaccines are the most effective tool for preventing COVID-19 and therefore reduce the risk of cognitive impairment caused by COVID-19.
Most cases of cognitive impairment after viral infection, such as brain fog, resolve spontaneously, but many patients who develop COVID-19 early in the pandemic continue to experience the effects.
“We know people have cognitive deficits in the coming months, and then we still have a year and a half people who are still in the red,” Wilson said. ..
It is premature to know what the long-term cognitive effects will be for patients who survive COVID-19.
Rehabilitating the brain is important for people who are experiencing long-term cognitive concerns — just as people rehabilitate other parts of their body, Simbani said.
“If you suspect cognitive effects after COVID-19, we recommend contacting your healthcare professional for a formal cognitive assessment to eliminate reversible causes such as malnutrition. “Shinbani said.
A new study found that many people who recovered from COVID-19 developed cognitive effects associated with attention and memory.
Although the link between COVID-19 and cognitive impairment is well established, scientists are still learning why some patients have long-term impairment. Older patients and those hospitalized for infections are more likely to experience cognitive effects after a viral infection than those with mild outpatient treatment.
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